
Will the Marine Corps let my fiance transfer to a new base once we're married?

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I want to be able to go to school still once we're married. But the base he lives on now doesn't have a university near it for miles and miles. Do you think he would be allowed to transfer if his wife were in a school that was closer to a different base?




  1. No they will not transfer him to another Base...

    He is in the Military...

    Think you have the Marines mixed up with

  2. If you're past the general education requirements that's going to be tough. If you're going for a degree in business or education or something liberal arts you should be able to finish on line. Something more specific would require your presence. The education of military members is an important part of the recruiting effort. Have your fiance call the base education office and see what classes are available on base. I'm pretty sure dependents can take classes with those schools.


  3. No, they don't care about you! C'mon, you should know that by now~!

  4. Is it in the best interest of the Marine Corp to transfer him?  

    Didn't think so.  

  5. U.S. soldiers serve the needs of the military not the other way around.

    But hey things could be worse, they could ship him to Iraq.....

  6. HAHAHAHA. No. They don't care about your schooling. He will be sent where he is needed. Your only option is perhaps when he re-enlists if he is offered somewhere near where you want to go. Good luck.

  7. No.

  8. Nope, go to school on line until he transfers for the Corps to a base near a school, good luck


  9. NOOOO!!! especially if you aren't a Marine. Not to be mean but everyone else is right. They don't care about you or your school.

    They'll try to station married couples who ARE BOTH MARINES on the same base but that's about it....sorry

  10. no.   he must finish where he is before PCSing elsewhere.  your desire to go to college has zero impact.  Nor would your job or a custody order refusing you to take any kids outside state lines.  

    besides EVERY military installation has  satellite college campuses on base.  

  11. no, not a chance, they don't care if your pregnant with octuplets  

  12. Nope. The only way he will be able to change bases is if there is an opening for his MOS. He can then apply for it and hope he gets it.

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