
Will the McCain campaign stop with the lack of experience questions about Obama?

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McCain selects someone with no experience in regard to national issues. Will they abandon the "no experience" assault on Obama?




  1. No...I can't believe that the Republicans Vice Presidential Candidate has more experience than the Democrats Presidential Candidate. Palins city council membership trumps Obama's "community organizer-ship." Her being Mayor trumps Jr's State Senator and her being Gov.(executive position) definitely trumps Jr's current Senator position (most spent campaigning.)

    This only reinforces the fact that those who were saying Obama lacked experience were correct all along. His pick of Biden also backs that up.

    The Maverick has shown us what real change is all about.

    Barry has shown us politics as usual.

  2. So you're question is basically bashing her lack of experience by turning it back against Republicans...

    Guess what?  Going from Governor to VP isn't surprising, it is MORE QUALIFIED than being a junior senator, actually.  Did you not see her 85% approval rating?  Cry me a river.  I am sorry the DNC was a farce.

    "Palin's entire political career consists of running of a town of less than 10,000 and then less than 2 years running a whole state of 700,000."

    Oh yeah and how many did Obama run?

  3. Gov Palin has much more executive experience than Obama.  She actually ran a town.  She has ran a state a multi-billion dollar budget.  She has fought corruption in a state known for it good-old boy network and one that has all the problems of "small town government".  

    She has to balance the budget of a state.  She deals with foreign governments.  She controls pardons and prisons.  

    What do you call experience?

  4. She DOES NOT have the same experience as Obama.

    Palin's entire political career consists of running of a town of less than 10,000 and then less than 2 years running a whole state of 700,000.

    Alaska's entire state economy and poplulation is smaller than Columbus, Ohio!

    I'm sure it's REAL tough politics in Alaska, right?

    As far as education - let's see.

    BA in journalism for Palin

    Harvard law degree for Obama.

    I sure am turning it back around. Oh wait - only Republicans are allowed to talk about experience? Simply giving you a taste of your own medicine. After all, that's all we heard from Republicans about Obama. The irony...

  5. That was the only thing they had.  So yeah, it'll have to stop now.

    So maybe we can get back to the issues.

  6. It's not the same thing.  I think that McCain is a fool and confused, but look at what every one of his ads portray (at least the ads that I've seen on TV): they're all focused on negativity & bashing Obama while ignoring issues.

    I've seen a few different Obama ads (not as many as McCain ads here in Michigan), and he bashes McCain, too - but at least I see some Obama's ads dealing with actual issues.

    Ads may be different from state to state and even from network to network - but what's the big deal if McCain's focus is bashing Obama?  The American people aren't stupid, are they?  Only an absolute moron would blindly believe what the news & even the candidates themselves are telling us - they all twist things, stretch the truth and pander, at least regarding Obama & McCain.  They all have their angles and biases, and mainstream media is the same.

    It's up to us as citizens of this country to look past the c**p that they are all feeding us and find out the truth on our own.  Look at all of the controversy and lies that are being exposed as truth, rather than the delusions of conspiracy theorists.  Look at how it's becoming very apparent (factually based, not on theories) that certain news organizations have been parrots for this Administrations talking points: we can't trust the government or the major news organizations to provide unbiased or truthful representations of things - in this day in age we have to be able to think for ourselves.

    All of that said - I don't think that it's that the American people are stupid but that has a semblance of truth to it, I think that it mostly boils down to the fact that we're lazy.  We would rather listen to and believe the news, pandering and lies than to have to think for ourselves.  

    My point here is that your comparison isn't the same - VP candidate isn't the same as Presidential candidate.  But - I think that our country is screwed either way.  Both Obama and McCain have their strengths, but I think that they are one in the same in one respect - typical politicians, and I don't think either is a good choice for our country, especially at this time.

  7. it sounds to me like everyone saying a heart beat away from the president is going to die the day he gets into office.  SP will be better than an angry black man and that what obama really is

  8. No.  Voting for Obama is a vote for someone with no experience.  Voting for McCain/Palin you get the experience of McCain plus Palin's executive experience which is worth much more than legislative experience.  Legislators choose a few issues and then meet with others to try to get legislation.  Not a whole lot of critical on the spot decision making going on, unlike in an executive role.  

  9. All I have heard from liberals today is how Sarah Palin is not experienced enough to be a heart beat away from the presidency. She has THE SAME amount of experience as Barack Obama. Obama would not be a heart beat away, he WOULD BE the president from Day 1, with the same lack of experience as Palin. Why do liberals not get this fact??

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