
Will the McCanns apologise to the parents of the false sightings?

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With sightings of Madeleine McCann now on the increase should the McCanns apologiese to the injured parties?




  1. What?

  2. y its not there fault doh

  3. They had something to do with her disappearance. They are guilty of SOMETHING!!!

  4. You must know by now that the McCanns apologise to no one, instead everyone must bow down the to the king and Queen of Rothley.

    Bring on the Eddie and Keela video and let's see the Mcs spin that.

    Some folks on here just don't get it do they ?

  5. A b s o l u t e l y      !

    One curious thing that I have noticed ---- since the case was closed by the Portuguese Police last week,   the number of sightings has increased.

  6. Absolutely not.  What a ridiculous question!

  7. the Only person the mccanns really need to say sorry to is Madeline!

    If they hadn't neglected her ( for the 3rd consecutive night of their family holiday ) she wouldn't have gone missing, would she?

    so far they've dismissed their lax parenting to all sorts of excuses.

    & the facts remain the same

    it's Madeline who deserves apologies.

  8. The word sorry isn't part of the McCanns vocabulary

  9. How on earth are they injured???

    Not everyone is so selfish to grudge a missing child a little inconvenience of having one's own child being mistaken for another.

    Edit: Thumb downers, believe its ok to grudge a missing child some time & effort?

  10. why should they, its not them that has spotted a look a like but members of the public. If they think its her and contact the McCanns isn't that better than not saying anything. what have they got to apologise for?

  11. One thing I did notice was that an assumption was made between a blond girl and a " foreign looking person" who turned out to be a Moroccan national well versed and qualified in child care was assumed to be an abductor,I guess stereotyping was involved here somewhere,and yes I do think that the McCanns should think about an apology and stop trying to stir the continent into a witch hunt  

  12. Why should they.

    They are NOT being harassed by anyone at all.

    The McCanns are quite within their rights to investigate any images or reports that may lead them to finding their daughter. And any parent would not object to a simple mistake being made and quickly clarified. Surely most parents want to HELP find Madeleine not pile more grief on her mum & dad.

    For godsake you people never give up. Get a life .

  13. McCanns don't 'do' apologising.

  14. Why should they apologise? It's not the McCann's fault that the sightings were made.

    Would you rather Madeleine's face wasn't all over the news so there's no chance of her being found?

    Grow up and stop with the Maddie questions!

  15. Why wont people see this for what it is.

    This is a media frenzy whipped up and used as a smoke screen to hide the truth. Who I wonder is responsible for this charade that leads no where.  

  16. apologise for what?

    It's not the McCanns coming forward with the sightings, it's people who think they may have spotted Madeleine

  17. No, but the newspapers should. They are the one publishing photographs of the children all over their front pages.  

  18. I'm sorry I'm not sure I follow. Why would they need to apologise? Why would the people who reported seeing a child like Madeleine be the injured parties?

  19. What a stupid question, of course not.

  20. Ah, these would be the McCanns who write the headlines for every tabloid in the Uk, then?

  21. Why should they? How are these people injured?

  22. No, not really.

    Member of the public spots child that resembles Maddie, they report it to the appropriate authorities (and usually Sky News, Daily Mail, etc), the authorities check and establish that the child is not Maddie and say to the parents,"very sorry, you understand we have to check these things out, thank you for your co-operation, blah blah..." End of story.

    The McCanns would only need to apologise if they had deliberately engineered a knowingly false sighting themselves, using some innocent and unconnected family with a 'lookalike' child for their own ends (like keeping their preferred abduction version of events foremost in the media and the public mind) but that is clearly not the case here.

  23. First of all, I don't think the sightings should be made public in the first place.

    These are innocent children and families and they don't deserve to have their faces and locations emblazoned across the world's media for all to see.

    They should be investigated privately and out of the public eye.

    Maybe the McCanns or Clarence Mitchell should suggest this to the public, instead of encouraging them to go for their 5 minutes of fame in the tabloids.

    Secondly, there should be an apology and at least some sign of disappointment from Madeleine's parents.  I've seen neither in recent reports.  I felt really sorry for the little Moroccan girl, who's father even produced her birth certificate for the press to prove she was his daughter.

    Normal people don't need this kind of attention.

  24. I very much doubt it. They havent apologised for leaving their three children all alone

  25. It's an absolute disgrace that all these innocent people are being roped into the McConn's scheming charade. The child is dead and everyone knows it but all these sightings are to distract everyone from reading the real truth! They make me sick. Who do they think they are?  They are responsible for a lot of very bad things and I hope the truth will knock them right into jail where they belong when everyone knows about the 'truth about the lies'........

  26. Y should they  

  27. Should your question not read will the Media apologise?Its the Media that reports the sightings,not the McCanns.The McCanns cant be held responsible for what the Media reports.

  28. Yes they most definitely should because had they bothered their backsides to suitably parent their own children people would be being harassed about all this.

  29. Why in God's name should they apologise for something they had no part in?

    Take top prize for this week's most stuoid question.

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