
Will the Mediterranean Union bring peace to the Middle East?

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'French President Nicolas Sarkozy has launched a new international body with 43 member nations aimed at ending conflict in the Middle East.'




  1. If by "Middle East" you mean the Palestine/Israel/Lebanon bloc, then no. It'll just be another talk-shop where meetings are held to "further clarify certain issues" and "encourage communication between all parties" and then agree to meet again in a tropical paradise in 3 years time.

    The only permanent solution to resolving the issues between Palestine and Israel are politically impossible. The groups that are willing to implement it don't have the power, and the groups with the power are not willing to do it.

    Besides, neither side in the conflict wants it to end. Both sides need the conflict to continue to distract from internal issues.

  2. Well, it's worth a try.  More power to them.

    They better treat Israel better than the UN and EU does.

    Don't worry.  We've got your back, Israel. ~USA

    Pardon the pun, but well said, Alberto.

    You bet we will continue to support Israel.

  3. It might be a development, but the issues are more than just political...

  4. It won't make much difference as the USA is not involved; the USA will continue to give Israel whatever it wants so Israel has no real need to compromise.

  5. They could not do any more harm than the E U which was very unfair to Israel  We consider them our friends and we don't betray friends or allies We being America

    You over the pond have made a career of betrayal

  6. They can try as they want but it is down to the US and as long  they can say no to Israel so the problem will remain.

  7. step one execution of the muslims?  Then no.

  8. only when the double standard dealing with the middle east stops, Peace will come.

  9. I hope so!What makes me smile about this is!The French have come up with the solution!Not those political imbecile's Blair and Bush!

  10. Will the Mediterranean Union bring peace to the Middle East?

    'French President Nicolas Sarkozy has launched a new international body with 43 member nations aimed at ending conflict in the Middle East.'

    I am not going to comment too much onto this because I have to see what the outcome will be and how it going to be done and what stages it will be done and etc..

    The respected "French President Nicolas Sarkozy" may be on to something on this new concept of thinking and idea of 43 members of Mediterranean Union.

    I see two or three challenges for the French President needs to resolve as soon as possible!!!!

    1) First challenge will be  - how will he bring harmony and stability with the African countries which are outside the Mediterranean Union because they will perceive this as form of indirect racism - preventing migration and access to trade to Europe - especially the country Czech Republic has worries on EU immigration.

    2) Second challenge will be - Will Europe invest a lot of money of development of the North African regions like road infrastructure, railways, street lighting, power stations, dams, reservoirs, agricultural developments and etc which is awlfully needed in the area.  

    3) Third Challenge and maybe the most volatile which might cause instability in the Middle East - how is going to stop Israel launching an attack or preventing Iran doing the same to Israel. If Iran is attack by Israel for example - it will be endless quagmire in the region - basically it will start a chain reaction of unprecendented portions or scale. .

    If all above fails.

    My french cousins would say to me - c'est la vie which means that's life!

  11. No.

  12. The French?  Solving conflict don't make the U.S. LOL we have saved their A?? more then once. I don't think so well at least don't hold your breath waiting!!!!!!

  13. No because French and Spanish men dislike and distrust the british

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