
Will the NBA get rid of the salary cap if players leave for other countries?

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Would this be a good solution to keep out players? If not what do u think should happen?




  1. I've realized that getting rid of the salary cap would be bad for the NBA in terms of opening the flood gates on player contracts. There will be no restriction on salaries and players will be in complete control of the market and determine where they could play. And European teams will still compete with the NBA's outrageous offers if the salary cap was removed. Also the NBA will become like European soccer where you have seven or eight teams that compete for championships and the rest just raise the talent to transfer to those teams. It would greatly diminish teams like New Orleans, Oklahoma City, any small market teams. And all you would see is the big market teams with the money to spend grab the best players hurting the ratings of the NBA. People will not support their small market teams if they never win.

    I think the NBA might want to pool their resources to keep Lebron (because he is the face of the league) and let anyone else leave and hope that new talent can replace the exiting talent. Also the NBA should consider removing restricted free agency. If players care more about the money (which a lot do) than you can't stop billionaires from paying the athletes. In the end though Soccer will be most watched sport in Europe forever and the rich billionaires will eventually stop realizing their only hurting their pockets.

    With these European clubs a lot of them will operate out of losses if their owners can support that. But realizing basketball will never overtake soccer in Europe how long will owners continue to overpay for NBA talent. Lebron is only considering a small stint with a European club what's the point of having him for two years. You're club is right back where it started.

  2. Nothing.  The NBA was acting like a monopoly on players.  It's great to see other organizations competing for NBA stars as well.  

  3. i think it could happen, but for that to happen the NBA would have to lose an elite player like Kobe or LeBron.  

  4. i doubt it but if kobe or lebron or somebody like that leaves for another country then they will certainly start to think about gettin rid of the salary cap

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