
Will the NBA pull the plug on the WNBA after this fight?

by  |  earlier

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Players fighting is one thing but when a coach gets involved ,somethings wrong!




  1. cat fight

  2. Its the steroids they take to play like men. They had roid rage its acceptable. I hope they pull the plug I bet there losing money on the WNBA anyway.

  3. iamrightsostopthinking, you are a joke. Even your s/n is a joke.

    Quit hating and dissolve yourself.


  5. This is the fight, it's pretty bad quality.

    I doubt they'll pull the plug on the WNBA, in fact this fight probably just generated more fans to watch lol. Seriously, I don't condone the fighting but lets face people love to see drama.

    Besides you can't eliminate the entire league because of one fight, they're going to happen.

  6. No, WNBA is finally getting fans from a certain Michael Jordan caliber player named Candace Parker.

  7. nooo

  8. No but they should pull the plug

    on Rick Mahorn for hitting a girl!!

    What a loser!!Man should be in jail right now!!

  9. wheres the fight

  10. NO

  11. Anyone saying something needs to be done to the male coach that "shoved" Leslie to the ground needs to open their eyes.  He didn't "push" her, he was trying to move her away from the scuffle, SHE started pushing him, and got off balance which caused her to fall.

    And why would the NBA pull the plug on them after this?  I GUARANTEE you they will get better ratings the next few days after the news media plasters this footage everywhere.  The WNBA is just not going to get great ratings, that's just the way it is.  The Phoenix Mercury won the championship last season and I am willing to bet you that 75% of this city couldn't tell you who WNBA champions were.

  12. those men get so emotional.  let em' be.

  13. What fight

  14. the wnba is a joke! I think they should dissolve it.

  15. Oh yea! I saw the game and the fight. Man I think Parker isn't going to get suspended and that the coach will for putting his hands on a player after he said he didn't. And that the Shocks girl her name start wit a P yea she gone get suspended from some games and Parker might too. Leslie she's embarrased she has a baby named Lauren and the coach is going to get suspended for real! Yes n.b.a will pull the plug and it will be on there EVERYDAY like Shaq's rad. Trust me it will!

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