
Will the NFL ever come to Toronto with the exception of the Argonauts.?

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Will the NFL ever come to Toronto with the exception of the Argonauts?




  1. No, the CANADIEN Football League is in charge of CANADA

  2. No...and for many reasons.

    If the Buffalo Bills were to survive, they rely on a lot of Souther Ontario for fans and a Toronto team could kill that support.

    The value flux of the Canadian versus American dollar is another issue.  Were the currencies to tie together (like the European Union has done with the Euro) it would make Toronto, Vancouver, and perhaps Montreal or Calgary much more inviting to NFL franchises.

    One other issue we are seeing this with NBA and MLB players.  The players see Canada as foreign soil which certainly would limit the rosters that a team here could field.  With the NFL, specifically, player attitudes and egos are much higher than any of the other leagues and this could be a huge problem.

  3. Toronto has already lost almost all respect from the rest of Canada.  Your suggestion would reduce that to nearer to zero.

  4. it was possible years ago had the xfl been huge after the first season

    the scenario had a team moving to toronto if cfl stability was

    in jeopardy

  5. The NFL has this year raised the possibility of playing more games outside of the US (in addition to the first international game in Mexico). With the popularity of NFL in Canada, and Toronto's proximity to Buffalo, NY, it would not be out of the question. However at the moment it is mere speculation.

  6. Not as a franchise, but it may come to play a game. However I believe Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver or Montreal would be a better choice to go to seeing as they care about football.

    As for a franchise, NO. Not only does toronto NOT deserve one, they will be banished to the US by the rest of Canada. toronto is hated throughout Canada as is now, but getting a football team when they don't support their current one (26,000 for a playoff game) they'll be more than despised.

    People of toronto should get over the No Fun League anyways. nfl could careless about toronto and the rest of Canada.

  7. Seriously, I doubt it. I do not think the NFL is looking ever to expand beyond the US despite the exhibition games held overseas or across borders.

    What is this "with the exception of the Argonauts"? Read that over as the way you wrote it means the Argos are an NFL team and they are not. What are you trying to say? "Over the exceptions"? Je ne comprehend pas, dude.

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