
Will the Native Americans vote for McCain-Palin because Palin's husband is a native Eskimo?

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I think the Native American nations around the US should take notice.




  1. Just because her husband is purportedly "Eskimo" and of no connection to their own Nations? Sounds like a stretch IMO.

    I mean, I'm not going to jump on their band wagon just because he picked a woman.

  2. Speaking as a Native American -- this doesn't impress me at all.

    McCain is still too old to be president in my opinion. He hasn't swayed my vote.

    So, to answer your question--NOPE!

  3. Yes, Native Americans can vote. (Whoever called you stupid is wrong). NA's are citizens of their Nation and the United States.

    They will vote for Palin because of this. It is profound.

  4. Probably.I think Mccain pulled off a smart move.He knew what he was doing.Obama should've picked Clinton and I think he would have had a greater chance of winning.

  5. I think it would be nice if Palin's husbands geneology were explained, its difficult to see him as alot Native American, being so large and tall, and Blue eyed.  Where does his degree of Native American blood come from, mom or dad, or a bit from both? His wife looks more Native American than her husband.  I am a member of a small Native American tribe, and I refer to myself has having Native American Ancestory I am proud of, but I am mostly a mix of Native American and European.  I like being mixed because you have familys in many cultures and traditions, however I am very careful around full blooded Native Americans to not seem like a total wanna B Native American. ( I would wanna b, if I could though!)  I will never want full blooded Native Americans to become extinct, it is a rare treat and honor, and sometimes just luck,... to be of full blooded heratiage, even if it is European.   Some Native American tribes could be on a endangered species list, and that is heartbreaking, and nothing to be taken lightly. So I pray for devine intervention to restore Native tribes all over earth, like Hawaii, and other places.  What kind of vacation would Hawaii be without its most valuable asset, full blooded Hawiians.  Alaska could never be the same without full blooded Inuits as well.  I can't imagine south america with out Mayans and Aztecs. The World would be a far lesser place without differances. obvious to almost everyone.

  6. well what if her third cousin, once removed has a Polish hairdresser?  should all Polish-Americans vote for McCain-Palin?  I mean you can take that stuff too far.  

  7. Uh Why did you use the word "Eskimo"

    Thats considered racist you know. Inuits dont like to be called that.

  8. Most people probably won't even know or care.  They will only remember short slogans they saw on television like "tax and spend Democrat"  or  "evil empire."

  9. Why is that a compelling reason to vote for a ticket?

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