
Will the OJ verdict play a role in Obamas fate?

by  |  earlier

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Has the country really change that much since then? I still remember the TV shots of blacks cheering and whites going oh my god he got off. It going to be a black and white thing right, I mean the verdict wasn't that long ago.




  1. Listen friend, if Obama wins, then this country loses and you will see total lawlessness on election night in the intercity streets of America. Whatever you do, vote against this flim/flim/flip flopping liar of the worst kind.

  2. I don't think the OJ verdict will have anything to do with Obama's "fate."  I'm not sure exactly what you mean or how you draw your connections in this case.  Please explain.

  3. I don't think the OJ verdict will have anything to do with it. The people who vote against Obama (like me) are voting against him because he has no experience, and he is the most liberal person in the senate. Perfect example of him making bad choices, he said the surge in Iraq wouldn't work. Well it has worked and now he is trying to distance himself from that statement. He has even taken all references to that statement off his website. I'm just afraid he would make more bad decisions like this in times of distress.

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