
Will the Obama Supporters' Attempts to Smear Sarah Palin's Son Trig Backfire?

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Obama supporters are attempting to smear Sarah Palin through her Down's Syndrome child, Trig. They are insisting that Palin can't take office because she has a little baby. They are suggesting that the baby is not Palin's, but her daughter's.

Will this attempt to smear Palin through her Down's Syndrome child backfire?

Obama has already alienated many women. Will this attack on Palin's family and her motherhood only alienate women even more?

Finally, do Obama suporters have any sense of decency at all?




  1. Your average American mom won't look too highly on her for bringing a special needs child into the world then running off with something better to do.  

  2. Your question isn't isn't a genuine question, it's blatantly an attempt to put out Republican propaganda. You are writing it as if there is no other motive to say this than smearing, when there is some evidence for it. Her daughter was off school for 8 months with mono. Nobody has mono for 8 months, it lasts three months max. And she doesn't look pregnant at all in any pictures leading up to the birth. If this is true is means she is an immense hypocrite because people are saying she's so wonderful for giving birth to a DS baby and practising what she preaches but if it's not hers she's taking credit for something she hasn't done, she has lied, she has condemned the baby to living a lie, and it shows that the abstinence education she supports has clearly not worked for her daughter.

    Nobody is saying can't take office if she has the baby, and nobody is sayign she can't shouldn't have a DS child. This is not about attacking motherhood, it is about attacking gross hypocrisy.

    You can't accuse liberals of not having any decency after all the stuff Republicans have said about Obama which is blatantly untrue, calling him a terrorist with absolutely no proof other than apparently his name rhymes with Osama. They've even said Hillary's a L*****n! If these stupid claims can get on FOX news why can't this at least be investigated to see if it's true or not? If it really is her baby she has nothing to fear and the Alaska governer's website should not have had to take down all pictures of her from that period.

    How has Obama alienated women? He has introduced several policies to the benefit of women, including ones that support women suffering from domestic violence. As for alienating women, well I'd say Palin's pretty good at that, what with the fact that she thinks abortion is wrong *even when the mother's life is at risk*. She doesn't care if you live or die. You don't back up any of your claims or "questions" with evidence.  

  3. I also heard this smear several days ago. At the time I thought it was a disgusting way to get at the opponent. Low, very low to make such a comment.

    I thought the Democrat Party was the party of the people? Apparently not so!!!! Only when it suits them!!!! It just shows us how they are in reality. Only for women's right's when it suits them. She choice not to abort a special needs child, she chooses to work while having children at home. Only when it coincides with their agenda. Two-faced they are.

    Sarah Palin is like alot of working mothers out here. Working, raising a family, taking care of a home.

    Would they have said that if it was her husband as VP?

    I would like to know who started that comment, because it was squashed fast.

  4. Read for yourself If this  is true, and it sounds like I may be then MCcain will have lost  the election for sure , we already kow shes dishonest due to the  Troopergate going on in her state right now.

  5. Unfortunately hate is what liberals like. Have to attack a 4 month old baby. Then they say a woman's place is at home with the children. I often heard of Women bosses telling other women that they are ill responsible for having children and jeopardizing their career, didn't think that would happen. But then again just a bunch of bitter Feminazi's that are sad they put their career first and not there family.

  6. I've heard these comments and I do believe it will backfire.  Talking about her or her husband is one thing, talking about her children is something else.  And bringing Trig into this BECAUSE of his "disability" is nothing more than bigoted, the UGLIEST form of discrimination there is.  

    Saying the things they said is tantamount to saying, Girl, you've got better things to do with your time.  Well, let me tell you something:  One in eight children in this country is disabled.  One in EIGHT.  Do you ever hear in mentioned in any election?  Do you ever hear about the educational needs and health needs and family support needs talked about EVER?  No.  She is necessary, and her experience as the mother of a special needs child will be tremendously beneficial to the families of special needs kids throughout this country.  

    Lots of democrats have decency, even Obama supporters, but that is mostly because people with honor can't fathom dishonor in others.   There are lots of democrats who put security first, lots of democrats who put family first, and believe it or not, there are millions upon millions of democrats who disagree with Roe v Wade.  

    As the mother of a special needs child, I take GREAT exception to those people on this site who complain about Sarah Palin  "brining a child LIKE THAT" into this world.  You sick F**KS. Are you suggesting that the only people who have a right to live are people like you?!

  7. mean like the decency the mccain supporters here on YA have?  You know, like Obama helped the elections in Kenya, or that he has secret ties to terrorists, or that his birth certificate is false, that he attended a Madrassa school, he's secretly a muslim and at the same time a fascist/socialist/communist..who may be the anti-christ?

    If people can accuse Obama of all those things with no facts to back them up, why can't someone else SPECULATE that the child may not really be hers but her daughters?  And an attack on Palins family?  How many caricatures are there on YA of his wife?  People are attacking the way the woman looks for godsake.... Try, just try to see the hypocrisy of your question.....!!!!!!

  8. No, because THEY aren't trying to smear her. People in her own community and state have been talking about the baby not being Palin's but instead her daughter's since the day it was born and long before Palin came on the national scene. How is that an attempt by Obama to smear her? She wasn't even considered as a candidate back then? Just because the press picked up on those well known rumors doesn't make it a sinister plot by the liberals. She could easily put the rumors to rest with a few photos and hospital records.

  9. I've not heard any of these claims

    However, I do agree that it is irresponsible to pursue something as time consuming as becoming vice president when you have a baby with Downs Syndrome.

  10. I haven't heard anyone say that yet.

    Are you so scared about her weaknesses as a candidate that you're trying to create a fake outrage in advance?

    I'm judging her on her dangerous lack of experience and the fact that she's under investigation for abuse of power. Her personal choices and family life have nothing to do with it.

  11. 'They are insisting that Palin can't take office because she has a little baby. They are suggesting that the baby is not Palin's, but her daughter's.'

    Suggesting a mother should raise her child isn't exactly a smear.  A smear is more like telling a lie that damages one's character, like the suggestion that the baby isn't hers.

    I haven't heard or read this suggestion anywhere.  Care to provide a link to somebody who does?  I find it hard to believe that this is a common insinuation, given that you're the first person I've heard it from.

  12. I agree with the first answer. I have not heard any of this stuff either. I am an Obama supporter and I really despise the name calling, however I think it is totally wrong to bring someone's child into it. Especially to make fun of a handicapped child, that is disgusting. I don't care if you are a Democrat or Republican or whatever that is just something human beings shouldn't do.

    As far as her being able to properly take care of him if she is vice president. She is already governor so she probably already has help taking care of him. I'm sure she doesn't do it on her own.

  13. Yours is the first mention of the child that I have seen other than the fact that he exists.  I don't see this baby smearing campaign of which you speak.  Are you trying to create something that isn't there?  

  14. Anyone who says they have not heard these smears either is not listening or is lying

    The rumor about her being her son's grandmother have finally been put to rest with at least two photos of the governor obviously pregnant , one taking the nigh she went home to have the baby

    What really funny is the people saying that dems would not and have not smeared her for having a DS baby and then go on to smear her for having a DS baby

    She has been smeared by some here on this site for not aborting the baby as if going contrary to her beliefs would somehow make her a better person

    She has been smeared by those that think she should give up her professional life instead of allowing her husband (the other party involved in the creation and raising of the child) the opportunity to raise his son

    So much for the party of equal rights and feminism

    Would they be so critical of a man who seeks the office with young children at home

    Yes the ploy will back fire

    I have already seen it happen and am pointing out their outrages to all I can get to listen

    It's working because we are judged by the company we keep and who supports us

    And yes Planet she was being considered way back then, well before the baby was born

    The least little amount of research instead of spewing talking points would confirm that for you

  15. Most aren't smearing, they really don't know one way or the other (like myself).  I do find there are inconsistencies in her story, which at the very least, would make me question her parenting, and priorities.

    I personally think it's selfish and disgusting to abandon a 4 month old special needs child to run a political campaign.  If she's that good, it could have waited 4 years, and someone else may have chosen her.  As a mother myself, I think it disgusting she would do such a thing.  You don't have children just to leave them for your career at such a young age.  It isn't like she's going back to a 9-5 job, how much time do you really think she will spend with him this fall?  Travel isn't the best idea for him, either.  Seeing as he is a premie, he is a high risk candidate for RSV, which can be deadly.  So either she won't see him from now until November, or she will put his health at risk.  Both poor choices in my book.

  16. Yes it will backfire and no liberals do not have decency. Thats part of the democratic platform. Remove all morality from society

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