
Will the Obama lockstep faithful ever understand Bristol isnt running for vice president, SARA IS???

by Guest66827  |  earlier

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it might be a good idea if they listened to their leader sometimes...




  1. No one is criticizing the child.

    We are criticizing a mother who is thrusting her child into the limelight while the kid is going through a difficult time.

    Parents should put their children first.

  2. The truly faithful are ignoring it just as Senator Obama has correctly demanded.

    My take is that the so-called left-wing shills who are making lots of noise are actually covers for Rush, Hannity, & Co trying to discredit the Democrats.

  3. Much like Michelle isn't running........

  4. They're listening to their "leader" just like Russia, Iran and any other enemy of this country would, if he ever got elected into office.  More proof that Barack is NO leader.  

    Of course they won't listen to him or heed his advice.  Even they apparently realize what a complete flop he is.

  5. But her mom is, If she can not handle her own kids and give them proper value education than how she could manage a vice presidential office ?

  6. "It's the hypocrisy, stupid".

  7. Haven't you noticed that its one issue one day, a different one the next day and so on and so forth?

    If you haven't noticed, it's time you did.




  8. They still think Bush is running for President, so it doesn't look good.

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