
Will the Oilers ever be able to keep any stars again?

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Everyone seems to want out of thetre as soon as they are any good. They can't get any decent free agents. Is there ant truth that Kevin Lowe promotes this?




  1. This question was more relevant in the old pre-cap days when the oilers were faced with not being able to afford to keep their players.  Currently Edmonton spend right up to the cap so economics are no longer an issue.

    Tax situation- Alberta is one of the lowest taxed jurisdictions in North America so that won't keep free agents away.

    And the have resigned there biggest star Horcoff- I don't see it as an issue, There are teams in far worse shape in their ability to attract and retain talent.

  2. You can't keep or get a star unless you are willing to pay for him. It's much cheaper to get a rookie and pay him nothing and when he is becoming valuable get rid of him. That has been going on since the Glory days. Now that Lowe is President he can now be fired.

  3. You're asking the wrong person.....I'm a sabres fan

  4. Of course they're able.  Every team is able.  They just have to have the will.

  5. Edmonton was a hair away from signing Hossa this past offseason, so that's a good indicator.  The Oilers are among a number of teams that simply have to overpay to attract guys because the city itself is not going to win anyone over (and by the city I mean the climate, location, amount of travel, etc).  Their new owner, Daryl Katz, is worth over 2 billion dollars and will always be willing to spend lavishly, and the fans are among the league's most passionate.

    What burned the team after the lockout was the departure of Pronger, who announced publicly that his family didn't want to make a home in the city (the implication being that the city was awful).  This not only left the Oilers without a franchise player to build around and attract other players with, it gave Edmonton a black eye.

    I think this is finally turning around now, however.

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