
Will the Pat's have another perfect season?

by  |  earlier

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Yes, I know not all of you like the Patriot's and they have had a loosing preseason and Brady may have a sore ankle, but aside from the secondary it is pretty much the same team as last year.




  1. No and they didn't have one last year either!

  2. Hate to rain in your parade but I think there was a big flaw in their perfect season last year,losing the most important game of the year,the Giants on the other hand may not have won all their games,but won the one that counted the most,I do believe The Pats will win all their games in their division,since that division has been the weakest division in the NFL

  3. I'm a Pats fan so I hope they have another perfect regular season.And it would be even greater with a winning Superbowl victory. Brady will be good to go by the regular season and hopefully he will stay that way.So what if preseason hasn't been the best ever as long as they pick up during regular season is all that I care about.

  4. No, they won't get a perfect season - but I do believe that they will win the Super Bowl.

    They still have a very strong core, and if they can work on protecting Tom Brady in the pocket, they will be my favorite for champions.

  5. h**l TO THE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Not a chance.

  7. Patriots usually lose in the preseason, Belichick makes few corrections during the preseason games, and likes to play the rookies as much as possible, to see who he wants to keep or cut.  Where the other teams, play their veteran players and make corrections during the game.  Once the regular season begins,  you'll see a different team on the field.... I don't think they'll have another perfect season this year, but it's not out of the question.

  8. No way, they are lucky they pulled that off last year

  9. another year older, but if the front line don't improve immediately Brady is going to have problems. The pat's can't afford Brady getting hurt, "if" that would happen the season will go to 0-16.

  10. Wouldn't the perfect season have to end by winning the Super Bowl?  

    Go Colts!

  11. of course not. oh wait they can by cheating. withotu cheating you can s***w it

  12. YES YES YES YES!!!  I am NOT a patriots fan i am a STEELERS fan.  But the patriots have changed very little from last years team, except for losing donte stallworth, and improving their defense.  Lets table the discussion on their personnel changes but look at their schedule.  They have the easiest schedule in the NFL!  Barring injuries to any of their major stars they should run the table during the regular season.  

  13. no they'll be 13-3

  14. They didn't have a perfect season.  They lost a game...a really important you are only talking about regular season.  I don't think any team can do it twice though.

  15. I didn't know 17-1 was considered a perfect season?

  16. NO 14-2

  17. nope i think they will go 15 and 3

  18. dude they never had a perfect season!!!

    remember the Super Bowl!


    do u even follow the team, or the NFL for that matter?

  19. Technically, they did not have a perfect season last year, because they lost the Superbowl.  I really doubt that they will duplicate last year's success though.  I do think that they will be in the play offs again and may even win the Superbowl this season.  They still have one of the best teams in the nation, but to have 0 losses up until the Superbowl is almost impossible to do twice in a row.  

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