
Will the Pens sign Marian Hossa to a long-term contract, or has he expressed interest in leaving Pittsburgh?

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Will the Pens sign Marian Hossa to a long-term contract, or has he expressed interest in leaving Pittsburgh?




  1. Hossa is a d**n fine player and it would be in Pittsburgh's best interest to resign him.

  2. pens dont have the cash to keep him, shame it was a great fit and a great move to get him, expect a high profile team to pick him up. please God not the ducks

  3. hes doesnt like therrien

  4. I heard on the news this evening that Hossa is interested in staying in Pittsburgh and may even take a salary less deserving of his talents. Great news, huh?

  5. There's no chance that the Penguins would be able to keep both Hossa and Malkin under the cap.  Let alone Fleury, Malone, Staal and so on.


    If I wanted to make a couple more dollars, I would probably just re-sign with Atlanta," said Hossa, whose 12 goals and 26 points in the playoffs were exactly what the Penguins were seeking when they acquired him from the Thrashers on Feb. 26. "But I'm glad Pittsburgh got me here. This was a fun journey for myself, and a great experience. I hope I can stick with a great team like this. ...

    "There's always a limit, but I'd rather take a little less and play on a good team, definitely."

  7. It depends on the Malone factor. I don't think they can keep both players....

  8. I have heared nothing about him wanting to leave however, with Crosby, Malkin and Hossa all on one team I figure one of the three will be leaving do to Salary Cap, I know it wont be Crosby, and probably not Malkin because he carried the team when Crosby was out but who knows, I don't think it is really going to be up to him though I figure it will come down to Salary Cap.

  9. Here is a lil clip from an article from the Associated Press today from about 8 hours ago (it's 2:14 a.m. eastern time now), titled "Disappointed Pens know roster will change" with an interview from Hossa.....

    A year ago, Crosby re-signed for less money—an average of $8.7 million per season through 2012-13—to help keep the Penguins together. Hossa, who meshed so well with Crosby after being added at the Feb. 26 trading deadline, is willing to do the same thing.

    “I’d rather take less and play on a good team,” Hossa said. “Hopefully, I can return here and be part of this organization but, with the salary cap, I know how hard it is. There’s lots of players to be signed, so we’ll see what’s going to happen.”  

    Hossa expects his agent, Rich Winter, to start talking with Shero soon.

    end of that part of article

    It's going to be hard, Hossa is making $7 million right now and is willing to make a lil less than that.  But if Hossa cares more about winning a cup and playing with Crosby, than getting the most money (like he says he is willing to do), then he will stay.   So hopefully it can work out for the Hossa and the Pens. He likes it in Pittsburgh.  I think Evgeni Malkin is willing to take less than he could get as well (8.7 million, like Crosby) because of mentor Sergei Gonchar and he wants to move his family to Pittsburgh.  But Therrian, I don't think will have a job much longer.

  10. hossa will be in montreal or ottawa next season

  11. I think it'd be a great benefit if he decides to take a salary cut to stay on the team.. He knows the team has talent, support and determination to make it far. So if everybody can all get together and work out a deal to keep him - that'd be GREAT!

  12. as a red wings fan, i was most worried about hossa during the finals. one has to wonder how much less he'd be willing to take to stay, as opposed to what he can command on the open market after such a great playoff performance. while i'm from the detroit area, i am also lemieux's biggest fan and i wish him and shero the best in trying to keep this talented team intact, as much as possible. the future, regardless of what happens this summer, should be very bright in pittsburgh for a long time.

  13. He hasn;t said he wants to leave. I don;t think he would want to after Cup run and the chance of playing with Crosby. But I don;t think he said he wanted to stay either.

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