
Will the Polar Bear be endangered in the next 50 years?

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Will the Polar Bear be endangered in the next 50 years?




  1. those are the bears that live in snowy places right? if so then h**l yes if retards continue to cause global warming

  2. The way things are going, there will be a LOT of things endangered in the next 50 years.  I was recently reading an article where freakin FISH will be endangered within 50 years unless things change.

  3. First get off the global warming kick, it's not endangering the polar bears, it's making them move. That's all.

    I live in Alaska i have first hand knowledge of whats going on with the bears, we have a huge vested interest in them.

    The bears following their food, global warming is shrinking the ice sheets but since polar bears are aquatic mammals like dolphins and whales they are fine. ( and if you don't believe they are classified as aquatic mammals look it up yourself)

    Now their main food source, mostly walrus's and seal, use the ice to rest, if the ice shrinks they move, which cause's the bears to move. Activists like to paint a doom and gloom picture because it serves their interests. What they fail to point out is that the primary cause of polar bear cub death's isn't caused by starvation, it's caused by large male polar bears. Something that has repeatedly been shown to be fixed by controlled hunting.

    The polar bears will be endangered if activists have their way but not if they keep their noses out of it. Right now the polar bears are doing great. We have a sustainable population healthy population in alaska and then there are the canandian, and other countries, all of which have healthy polar bear populations. Don't be sucked into everything you read and here, do your own research and you'll see that global warming actually has little effect on polar bears other than causing them to leave their current hunting ground and follow their food source. Something that doesn't bother them because they are nomadic by nature. Often traveling hundreds of miles in the course of a few weeks.

    So no, if large males are allowed to be hunted within strict guidelines the polar bears will be doing fine. females are breeding well ,often producing twins. Males are eating them. The biggest threat to polar bears are other polar bears. The worst that will happen is that america might lose it's population of polar bears as they cahse their food source.

  4. Yep. They're already dieing off like crazy, and even if we didn't put anymore pollutants into the atmosphere from this moment forth, it's still too late. In 50 years, the Earth will still be suffering from all that garbage in the sky.

  5. yes if ppl keep killin them

  6. yes polar bear will be in the list of endangered spicese. becoz  they need lots of snow but in current date snow is converting into water. so, we hav to conserve them by minimize the pollution

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