
Will the Republican media report on the Palin fans crying during her speech??

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They seem to make it an issue when Obama supporters do it..

Is she the new "celebrity" now??

Lets put her face on the dollar... =D




  1. Chuck Norris makes onions cry.

  2. Put her picture on the dollar.....nooooo, put it in the Brit Pound. That's who pays their bills.

  3. Well fox news did!

    McCain/ Palin  08'

  4. There is no "republican media" there is liberal media whic is like ALL of it. And there is Fox, the only fair newscast out there. they may seem rep because they are the only non liberal bias one out there, but they are actually very fair and equal, I know because I am a die hard republican and I like alot of people there and their opinions, yet there are a few people who I really dont like and really disagree with their opinions, they have Rep and Dem.  

  5. I cried and I was only sitting in my livingroom.  I am a woman and there's not been very many of us in her position.

  6. Excellent point. She has her groupies too

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