
Will the Republicans be neo-Con for ever?

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It has now been for 30 years...




  1. Can you define, in your own word, exactly what a neocon is? I seriously doubt it.  

  2. I hope not.  I'm much more of a Paleoconservative & think neoconservatives should have listened to George Washington when he said we need to NOT become entangled with other countries problems and no long term alliances (which could draw us into conflict) should be entered.  NATO is one such alliance..if Germany, France, UK can't protect themselves from Russia etc than tough c**p on their part and the U.S. shouldn't be propping up Israel.

  3. neo-cons are Bush conservatives. I consider myself a Reagan Republican.

  4. Will Democrats continue to let their party be hijacked by communists and socialists forever?

  5. palin is certainly a neo con.

  6. No. They will get back to the real business at hand. The neo-con agenda was set 10-12 years ago by ultras hoping to finally get power over the moderates in the party.

    It lasted 8 years and required much stepping on toes for them to get there. The real Republicans are getting back their own now... they have abandoned McCain (look at the speech list, he couldn't even get them to the RNC). The plan failed, even the neos see it and are now out of politics largely, writing books.

  7. Nope..the Bush era is passing away..

  8. It's starting to change. Slowly though.

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