
Will the Republicans end up like the Federalists?

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I live in upstate NY and to bash democrats for upstate NY is unfair. the democrats here are idiots. Well...... a lot of people here are idiots to be perfectly honest. Upstate NY has been in decline for the last 50 years just like every other rust belt state.




  1. Republicans ARE federalists

  2. The republicans show they are closer and closer to their other predecessors, the know nothing party with each passing day, they know less and less.

  3. Shina is correct.  

    Your obvious ignorance of this justifies my assumption that you are a Democrat.  

  4. Look what the Democrats have done to Upstate NY! Give me a break. They have these kids believing rhetoric, and then they have turned around and taxed the wealthy right out of the State. Nice plan. Kick out those people who own companies. That should help the poor. The Democrats want you to be dependent, want me to work and owe until I die, and want the unions to be fat and happy. Disgraceful.

    Liberals only care about increasing revenues never decreasing spending. They create poverty. Period. They know this and are lying to you. They have been coming to Buffalo to "Save the Bills" because when Ralph Wilson passes the team will be sold and moved. It's an Estate Tax issue. NY State has the highest, most oppressive system in the country. The politicians know the tax will lead to the team moving, but they come here and pretend they care. This is the exact same scenario for every wealthy family that has taken their money and businesses out of this area for the past 40 years. We have the worst job rate, 2nd highest poverty rate, and our teachers union is taking the State to court to fight a property tax cap. This is what the liberals do! Nail everyone. Look up the record. It's all their fault, and they will do the same thing to this country. Make you dependent.

    You live here? Are there any Republicans in the city? Was Pataki a conservative or a big liberal spender? We taxed the rich out. Give me a break. If you don't know this you are being brainwashed by the highest paid, Liberal Professors in the country. They are now the rich. I will be leaving someday. There is no way to retire here unless you are a state employee. Think I can continue to pay these property and state taxes when I am older? Come on. Everyone I know has left. Those who stay are receiving pensions. This cannot continue.

    I find it typical that you give a pass to the failed Liberal policies (I don't care who implemented them), and then bash Bush for acting like a big, Liberal spender.

  5. Nope, the federalists were messed up.  As long as the good folks in America keep voting, there will be Republicans!

  6. It isn't the Republicans that have lost control of their party.  

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