
Will the Republicans ever succeed in overturning Roe v Wade?

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It's been over 30 years now......we've had several Republican presidents since Roe v. Wade........and abortion on demand is still legal.

And Bush was quoted as saying "I don’t think the culture has changed to the extent that the American people or the Congress would totally ban abortions.”

And the argument that we just have to wait and they'll appoint the right judges isn't holding water either......

So, any Republicans out there who actually believe the GOP is going to succeed one day?




  1. They recently had 6 years with total control. They didn't do it.  It's a big seller for them to keep saying they want to do something about the "culture of life" (haha!) they say they support.

    They're still campaigning on the abortion issue because it's a great vote-getter.  So why would they want to do something about it? Then they couldn't give lip service to it to attract votes from those for whom abortion is the #1 issue.

  2. Fortuantely their is a supreme court that has a majority of catholcis on it.  thanks to Georrge Bush.  roe v. wade can only be overturned by the court that set the precedent.  the psossiblity rsts on the point that given better technolocy we know know that viabilty occurs at conception or is at least operative even in the first trimester.  with modern sceince we know much more about human life and when it begins.

    BTW republicans have no interst in overturning roe v. wade, withput the abortion issue they would never ba able to put hogether the coaltion that allows them to win electiosn and pursue their onerous economic policies.  so, abortion is useful to them, it doesn;t affect them personnaly since the tend to be wealthy so they use it to court they swing "catholic vote 25% of the poulation that puts them over the top.  a pray it is overturned by the court soon for many reasons, one being so that I can again vote.

  3. If McCain is elected, yes.

    He will get 2-3 SC Justice appointments, more than enough to overturn RvW...It will be a sad day for America.

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