
Will the Republicans try to use the Hurricane for political gains?

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Will the Republicans try to use the Hurricane for political gains?




  1. No, the left already has that covered.  Rooting for a direct hit and billions of property damage and lots of human suffering.  The Messiah probably already has some rowboats rented as a contingency plan to get some political mileage from the deadbeats that would surely emerge doing nothing but crying for mommy government.

  2. they already did, both bush and cheney say they can not attend the convention because of it.

  3. No, the Left are doing that already.  Did you hear what Michael Moore said about it?

  4. It is messing up their convention and reminding every one of Katrina so there is  no possibility of gain for them, the are just trying  to do damage control. The only up side for them is that  Bush and Cheney  now have an excuse not to speak at the convention which would have been an embarrassment for McCain.

  5. Ya think?  

    McCain needs to stay away from there instead of going in hopes of photo ops. His presence disrupts emergency work.

  6. You mean like the liberals did after Katrina?

    I was one of the people who responded to Katrina and noticed how the liberals spent all of their efforts in trashing the administration and none on actually helping anybody.

    Notice how the liberals completely ignored the fact that the primary responsibility for assessing needs and requesting resources (per US disaster response doctrine) lies with local and state governments?  Of course both the mayor and governor were Democrat - so their incompetence is ignored.

  7. I really don't mind just as long as they actually help those people. What pisses me off about the Republicans is when they try to get political gain out of something when they don't care or actually hurt people. A good example of this is how they treat our military. They keep saying they support out troops but they keep trying to cut veteran benefits for instance.

    In other words Mr. Bush just don't say your helping the people in the Gulf Coast, this time ACTUALLY help them ! That's your job.

  8. For Republicans all is fair: in war, love and campaign.

  9. Doubtful. Bush doesn't want to remind voters of his performance during Katrina so he will try to do it right this time. Last time you may recall that administration insiders reported that Bush was exploring ways to exploit Katrina to embarass local Democratic officials. There was discussion about imposing federal control in Democratic states to push aside the Democratic officials. While focusing on partisan advantage, Bush ignored the very real plight of the victims of Katrina. In fact federal officials weren't even aware of the scope of the devestation and chaos. A quote to remember "Heck of a Job Brownie!".

    Bush doesn't want to remind voters during a presidential election year of Repuplican misconduct and incompetence so he'll try to have it done right this time.

    Of  course, using the hurricane as a rationale to stay away from the convention has the advantage of allowing Republicans who are up for election this year to distance themselves from his failures.

  10. What like the dems did in katrina,you think they really gave a d**n?

  11. Like doing what?  Helping?  Because wasn't that the criticism during Katrina?  So no matter what, if they help or just sit there, you will not like it....congrats you are prejudice.

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