
Will the RoseMary Shell case (woman sueing a man for dumping her) increase the marriage rate?

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In a strange way this will hurt the man being sued but it will enrage so many men it may possibly decrease the marriage srate and help the marriage strike.

What do you think?




  1. How can she sue?

  2. I'm not responding to your question but to a remark you placed on my question...

    TO riddlewrapednanenigma:::by reading your questions on are obviously a sexist pig...your input has no value.....but kudos to you for getting your two points.....

    you are obviously a bitter and unhappy exudes in everything you write....

  3. Didn't you already ask this question?  The jury was wrong and likely the appeals court will throw it out.  He had every right to cancel any plans as soon as he discovered debt that she had been hiding.  Unless there is something else going on not mentioned in the article, she had no case. If she had financial downslides, it's her fault for not telling him about the debt.

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