
Will the Rugby WC ever come to North America?

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What are the odds of this event ever coming to North America? I would think that there wouldn't be a issue of stadiums to host matches.




  1. At present - NO.

    Even when the FIFA WC was held in the US in 1994, many Americans didn't even know what football or soccer was all about and couldn't care less.

    First the WC has to come to Asia. Either to Japan or to South Korea or both as in the FIFA WC of 2002, but it want happen in the next Rugby WC either because it'd be held in NZ.

    Asia has much bigger following of the game than in the US and this is where the money is.

    If you need any examples, just consider the Cricket WCs of 1987 and 1996 and the FIFA WC of 2002.

  2. Hmmm....the IRB might decide this if USA rugby was more involved.....currently USA just seems to play in the WC, not any other tours maybe :)

  3. Seeing as the IRB choose New Zealand over Japan for 2011 I think never, that proved that they are too finacially motivated to experiment out side of their safe regions

  4. I think it will, eventually.  The IRB is all about the money and they know America is like a pot of gold just waiting at the end of the rainbow.  Unfortunately the IRB cant see the forest for the trees.  They are so near sighted that they are grabbing every cent they can instead of looking to the future.

    You'd think they would do whatever it takes to expose as many people to Rugby in the USA since the States have so much disposable income and love to watch sports.  I would have thought that they would almost hand broadcasting rights for the RWC to ESPN or one of the major networks like FOX, NBC, ABC or CBS.  Almost every household in the States has those channels so hundreds of millions of people would be able to watch the game if they wanted to.

    Sure they would not make any money from American broadcasting rights, but the payoff would come some time in the future.  Instead, they sold the rights to Setanta, the highest bidder and almost no homes in America have that channel.  The ones that do have that channel still have to use PPV to see most the games or they have to find a bar that has their premium package... so that eliminates almost every youth in North America because they aren't allowed in bars... BRILLIANT THINKING!

    America has fantastic infrastructure for rugby to grow, they have a huge population and insane amounts of money... it's just a pity the IRB are such a bunch of stupid, old boys club, secret handshake, nudge nudge, wink wink, clowns.

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