
Will the Toyota A-BAT concept vehicle be manufactured and sold?

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The Toyota A-BAT is a small pickup truck mounted on (basically) a Prius platform. It will be shown at the Detroit Auto Show in 2008. Attention, Toyota!!! If you make it, I will buy it, and so will a lot of other people. Right now, there is no pickup under $30,000 that will get more than 30 miles per gallon or so.




  1. Better not look anything like a prius.  The Prius doesn't even look like a car.

  2. Looks like a sleek truck.  No word on when it'll be released.  I think Toyota will be hesitant to release something as new-age looking.  Most truck buyers don't want too much of a futuristic design with their trucks.  You don't want your friends making fun of you.  

    I think Toyota will tone down the look a bit, and release it in a few years.

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