
Will the U.S. be healed only when Southerners admit that it was good that they lost the Civil War?

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How can we expect that region to cast a moral vote when it still acts as though outlawing slavery was a bad thing?

They can try to make it an argument about states' rights all they want, but the fact remains that, had they won, slavery would have lasted decades longer -- maybe centuries.




  1. No, it will be healed when 60's counter-culture liberals admit that their ideology is seriously flawed and is a total failure.

  2. They lost the war but won the peace.  The so called Reconstruction was  abandoned about as fast as the rebuilding of Iraq has been in latter days.  There was a counter revolution led by the KKK and other forces so that any social changes were set back to 1860.  Plus, the war was about State's Rights and how far a state could go to defy the Federal government which the state of California which is much more environmentally proactive than the Feds at this point, is finding out.

    Once the issue of states rights  was settled then anything and everything else was negotiable.

    It was not good how they lost the Civil war: Read about Sherman's march to the sea and try to be a little bit more understanding.  They lost a huge % of their male population to the battlefield and the economy of the South was left in ruins.  It was a tearing, wounding, deeply felt humiliation.

  3. I'm a northerner, and the South has convinced me the rest of the country would be better off with out them.  I'd be all for a Supreme court ruling that the Civil war was unconstitutional.

  4. No, the US can continue growing into greatness and fixing problems along the way when people stop breeding bigots like yourself that drag up history to cause more hatred.  That's what they do in the Middle East and it doesn't benefit anyone.

  5. The US will only be healed when we kill them all over again and this time we do it right, no more "Better angels of our nature".

  6. No it will be healed when liberals admit that the KKK was a Democratic group, and Republicans like MLK caused the great changes for minorities in this country.

  7. OK, I'm not sure who this is that you're referring to, but as a Southerner, I would like to say once and for all that it was great that the North won the Civil War.  I would hate to live in a notion where one person is considered "property" of another.  There, I've done my part.  Happy now?

  8. First, it's called the War of Northern Aggression, and secondly, yes slavery would have lasted longer, but when it ended, it would have done so with a better legacy of white/black relations, rather than it being forced on the South.

    I hope you don't think Reconstruction was a success? Jim Crow laws, Plessy vs Ferguson could have been avoided.

    BTW, we still cringe when we hear those awful New Jersey accents.

  9. Why do you think slavery was a "bad thing"? Free room & board, guaranteed employment & medical insurance, no work on Sundays,

    snappy nicknames and you didn't have to wear a tie.  

  10. Nope.  Civil war was not over slavery.  South has admitted they lost.  Healing will come when Americans learn to disagree without the hate.  I hope that someday you will be able to realize that every coin has two sides, and lose your hatred for those that do not agree with you.

  11. Given how most black people have acted with freedom maybe they were correct.

  12. It's a shame ignorant Northerners like you are allowed to breed.

    Not understanding the only reason Lincoln "freed the slaves" was to further his agenda and split the union. Of course just keep reading your McGraw-Hill text books.

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