
Will the US Men's BBall squad lose to the crafty Argentines?

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Those wiley Argentines are taking charges and moving the ball well, while the USA keeps missing on its long bombs.

Why doesn't Team USA just move the ball take the easy shot?




  1. main question: NO

    second question: They seem to have forgotten how to play against the zone. Argentina hasn't played zone all tourney but now they are and TEAM USA is making them look like geniuses.

  2. if Kobe keeps shooting bricks and not passing the ball, then Argentina will win.

  3. No, USa beat argentnina by 20. pretty upset, wish it was higher. The US got fustrated. they shouldnt have dont it. and Kobe was shooting usless threes going 2 for 9. He is CANCER. This happened to the same thing in the finals. the Lakers were up by 21 in first quater and he shot useless threes adn s***w the lakers. kobe almost s***w the lakers again

  4. All i can say is the past 6games i turned it off after the 1st half seeing the us mens were up 20+pts each half

  5. its 40-49 now.. who knows lets watch the second half

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