
Will the US bomb Somalia again?

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The US bombed Somalia in numerous times, targeting Al Qaeda affiliated groups like Al Shabaab. Well, now Al Shabaab is in full control of heavily populated city called Kismayo, 23 miles northwest of Mogadishu. What will the US do now, they are advancing to Mogadishu as well.




  1. We will do what we gotta do...

  2. If it is necessary we will bomb. America is protecting our interests and we have plenty of bombs.We also protect the sanctity of our friends and allies, and as long as we are committed to spreading freedom around the world, we will destroy our enemy.If they would stop killing innocent women and children, we would also live in peace with them.

  3. Only if they don't listen to Bush's jokes. Anyway it will be some time before they come to that as they are too busy bear baiting at the moment.

  4. Your country has gone  bombing mad  

  5. no. those backwards people can kill themselves to the grave and see if the u.n or the u.s.a is going try to bring humanitarian help again. a bomb is very expensive and yes, i pay for it through the taxes deducted from my hard earned dollars.

    the islamic extremists world should go in there and help. i bet even after a while, them jihadists are gonna get chased out when they can no longer feed a nation piranhas.  

  6. yes, they will bomb again and lose again and retreat again, like the fools and cowards they are. Drones are the perfect weapons for the nerd/cowards;  soon the technology will exist to use those against the USA instead of for the USA.  

  7. Yeah and then in 50 years we will be all lovey dobey like we did with Germany and Japan lol!  

    We bomb the heck out of people and then we are their friends lol

  8. Yes, Bush is a bomber.

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