
Will the US government finally wise up and make people move away from the Coastlines?

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So, Global warming is a HOAX? Why are we spending money to fixit? IF WE NEED TO MOVE?




  1. It is not the government's place to tell people where they should and shouldn't live. What the government can do is stop shelling out FEMA money for people who insist on rebuilding in disaster prone areas.

  2. I hope not! I like my mountains sparsely populated!

  3. I don't believe so especially when many of our congress men have beach side houses. Why would they they have federally paid insurance which is subsidized by all Americans.

  4. How much are you willing to pay to make them move from the coast?

    I can only remember one time in my life when the government used its power of eminent domain to buy out an entire neighborhood that was too flood prone to save.  That was a very expensive proposition.

    Coastal regions have been attractive locations for people to live for millennium. (Look around the world and see how many of the 200 largest cities are coastal.)  That has pushed up real estate prices in most coastal locations.

    For the government to force people to leave the coast, it would have to use its power of eminent domain to buy every tract of property within your proposed buffer zone.  Under the Fifth Amendment, they would have to pay current market value for all of that property.  I wouldn't be shocked if that total was somewhere over $1 trillion.  

    While you might be upset over taxpayer dollars supplementing FEMA to insure folks that live in high risk areas, most of us live in an area that is high risk for something -- whether it is flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, ice storms, or earthquakes.  The votes simply are not there to change FEMA policy.

  5. wow I totally agree with fwrsxs20... That's Scary as h**l.. Lets just empower the government more!  WOW!!! TRY reading the Constitution but this time have someone interpret it to you!

  6. that is one of the scariest and most disturbing things i have ever hear on YA. the government forcing you to move. that sounds like a good think. lets just have them move us all the way to concentration camps. what a moron and someone who obviously does not care about peoples rights. jackass.

    ur an idiot for a few reasons. First, wouldnt a mass exodus of maybe one hundred million people, the transportation, the required building materials, and the clearing of forests for new places to live significantly contribute to global warming? Second, why leave now? its not gonna be one day water level is fine and the next its 20 feet higher. must scientists dont believe gore in the amount of water level rise. Third, if i want to say on the coast and die, then i want to stay on the coast and die and the government shouldnt tell me what to do. Jackass.

  7. What the heck is wrong with you?  If someone lives on the coast they can take responsibility for themselves if the ocean rises or there is a hurricane or any of a hundred other things you liberals keep yourselves up at night worrying about.  I live in Kansas and I don't expect anybody to bail me out if a tornado hits my house?  Should we be forcing people to move from Kansas because of tornados?  Maybe we should make people move away from mountains and forests because of fires?  Pretty soon they will have nowhere to go.  Get over yourself.

  8. what's wrong with living on the coast ?'s a great lifestyle

  9. You suck, I bet you would like us all to live in FEMA camps until the government can build new cities for the millions upon millions you suggest relocating... You are dumbass and a bad American.


    It's 2008, i think its time to grow up and stop believing in Christian Fairy Tales.

  10. It nothing wrong to live on the coast. What is wrong is for me to pay higher premium on my house insurance when I do not live there. I still pay for flood, hurricane to cover those how do.

  11. Probably when the government starts implementing buried utility lines instead of replacing blown down lines and when we can build a road as well as the Romans,there are still roads in Italy that have some of the same stones in them placed by slave labor 2000 years ago,and when we go back to covered bridges there is 1 in W.Va. that the civil war troops marched over and it still carries traffic into Phillipe.

  12. I'm not sure forcible removal of tens of millions of people and the abandoment of the United State's economic hubs is really a "wise" move. If you, personally, believe that the coastlines will flood in the next x years, you're free to move elsewhere.

  13. Ssshhh! We have to be careful here. For several years, the rich neocons have been studying toppo maps and buying up property where the new coastline will be. They haven't finished all the negotiations yet. That's why they keep nay - saying, about "climate change".

    When the time is right, they will finally agree that it is going to happen, and offer their new beach front and port property for sale. Billions of bucks to made if they work the scheme right.

    But don't tell anyone.

  14. It is still a free country and people can go anywhere they want.  You must have forgotten, if you knew at all, that towns and cities were built near water ways including coastlines for easier access to shipping to and from, for goods and merchandises as well as for traveling people.  Though the government cannot force people to move it can require them to carry hefty insurances for any possible natural catastrophic happenings.

  15. Yes! It would be VERY entertaining. I can just see what would happen if the Government tried to force people to leave New York City, Boston and Miami.  Do you think the rural people in places line PA would really want all of these know-it-all Liberals (who hate rural America) streaming in, it would be funny to see what would happen.

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