
Will the USA be an influence in the end times?

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Will the USA be an influence in the end times?




  1. Yes, but at what level is questionable.  Biblical prophecy is truly true and we will play a factor in the end times. I hope we are blessed because they that bless Israel, will be blessed.  Israel is God's time piece whether people like it or not.  Russia and China will try to come against them and will fail.  We are allies, so we must play some significant role in the end of time.  I hope it is a positive one because the way we are going, who knows.  God bless America and help those who don't believe.

  2. the end of times as in the BIBLE?....

    no that has to do with isreal...its about their "end of times" thats what the big book is about. depending on who we elect it may or may not  have anyhting to do with us in the usa.

    * check daniel   chapter 11- 12 in the bible

  3. Yes and no.  I am pretty sure the U.S. will be removed from most of the picture before long.  We may come back later on, but as soon as the economy goes to H. E. double hockey-sticks, expect a less than friendly liberation force from the East Asian alliance of China and Russia.  Because we have let ourselves be deceived and controlled in large part by the forces and the literal servants of the devil, I think the Lord will call for his people to separate themselves from the mainstream world, like how he had Noah and 7 other souls board the ark before the rain, and then his divine protection over our nation will go with the good people.  

    Remember what he promised to Abraham concerning Sodom and Gomorrah before he destroyed them?  He promised that if Abraham could find one righteous person in the city other than Lot, that he would spare both municipalities.  Only after Lot was removed from the city was fire sent down from heaven.  In this case though, I don't think we will all magically be teleported outside the cities.  I believe that he will call his people in his way to go of their own free will, like the Israelites out of Egypt.

  4. The book of Revelation says so.  The "lamblike beast" that speaks "as a dragon" and causes "wonders to appear in the heaven in the sight of men."

  5. With our stock piles of nukes we will be the ultimate factor for sure

  6. Are you serious? Do you really think ancient jewish myths are an accurate prediction of the future?

  7. We are instrumental in helping set up the Beast.

  8. Hah hah hah ... you people crack me up!

    Wrath of God, rapture, Santa Claus ... what will you think up next?

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