
Will the USA go to war?

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Will the USA go to war?




  1. Ahhhh... What were we just in (and still working on completing)... Lets see The Revolutionary War, The war of 1812, the French and Indian war (Before we were a nation), the Spanish American war, World War 1, World War 2, Korean War, Vietnam War, Grenada, The first Gulf War, the Second Gulf war, the ongoing conflict in Afganistan... I hope this answered your question, unless you were looking for a specific country... And that I cant answer...

  2. We are at war, but Russia pushing it to the next level tho...

  3. USA will do anything for Israel

  4. I really don't think even GW is dumb enough to start a THIRD war right now. Of course I could be wrong.

  5. No, the US has had closer calls in the past, you must keep in mind that both the United States' and Russian leaderships are aware of what that would mean, and neither have anything to gain from open war.

  6. When was the USA not at war ?

  7. Yeah. .. we have been at war for awhile now we do have casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan you know. . . Well America is preparing for another Cold War but i believe the Chinese will be on our side because of its status as a top economic trading partner

  8. I beleive so, the leadership in America is poor, the growing deaths in Iraq are getting worse, but they are already at war with Iraq, they have troops their so they are at war already

  9. We are at war!

  10. as long as bush has a say so...YES

  11. Go to war?

    We are at war with everything

    War on drugs  war on poverty

    war with iraq  afganistain   iran   russia

    war on obesity  

    war on war

    Naw  wont happen lol

  12. no

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