
Will the United Nations once again sit with its thumb up its High and Mighty ***

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While Russia destroys a neighboring country?

Where is the wordwide condemnation over this unprovoked attack?




  1. Yep..The UN will do its normal thing..Sit on its butt and talk about it for a few years and once all the wind bags are done..Were did Georgia go??

  2. Yes like UN did when US did the same thing but actually was the culprit. So a regular c**p(fox) news zombie. In this case Russia is actually defending, it was Georgia that attacked S.Ossetia and killed many civilians & Russian peace keeping forces.

    It seems to be as such all around the world accept c**p news apparently. There is no way Georgia would've dared attack S.O without the backing of US & NATO. It was a test and the results are clear,

    Russia is serious. So what do you think was going to happen, if Georgia was to provoke Russia.

    You do know it is US & Israel that has trained and armed Georgia.

  3. they always do.

  4. Yes it will.  Russia has a permanent seat on the security council and veto power, so the UN couldn't act even if the majority of countries wanted to.

    At least the US has condemned the illegal attack.  Vice President Cheney has vowed that there will be consequences for Russia.  I never expected that guy to say something I approve of.

  5. An absolutely useless organization.

  6. Only the US can attack a sovereign country? Give me a break. Hypocrite.

  7. got to be fisting at this point!

  8. Well, considering that the unprovoked attack was launched by Georgia, no worldwide condemnation is needed, Russia seems to have it covered.  

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