
Will the Whig party be successful in preventing the inlux of Irish immigrants from taking over?

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Will the Whig party be successful in preventing the inlux of Irish immigrants from taking over?




  1. Latinos and Obama shall yes we can

  2. Hopefully not . . . I'm part Irish!

    If you're citing an allegory to the current controversy over "illegal Mexican Immigrants", here's my view:

    When our white ancestors came here, the people that were already here weren't exactly overjoyed about it.

    By the time the smoke settled, white guys had taken over the whole land from sea to shining sea.

    Now the descendants of those white guys are annoyed because those people that were already here have gained a population advantage and are moving in next door.

    Most whites today have changed their tune and now want to consider what they're doing "illegal immigration".

    What nerve!

    Are you for immigration or are you against it? If you're for it, relax, put up a 'welcome' sign, get to know them, patronize their shops, treat them like brothers.

    If you're against it, go back to Europe where your illegal immigrant ancestors came from!

    You can't have it both ways.

  3. Can they help us with the Obama scare?

  4. No.  They the Whigs will phase out around the1850's (or sometime around then), and eventually the Irish will become mainstream. America will adopt St. Patty's Day as an excuse to get drunk and everyone will pick on Mexicans instead.

    By the way "Pilgrim" you rock and you know what you're talking about.  For instance, my family is from Texas and never crossed the border to immigrate to the US.  The US crossed the border over us.

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