
Will the World Trade Center ever be rebuilt?

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It's been almost 7 years and still nothing significant has been going on at ground zero. They want to build the freedom tower:

But so far, hardly any construction has happened.

An organization wants to rebuild the twin towers as they were but better:

But they aren't getting very far. So does anyone think that world trade center will be rebuilt somehow?

I want them to rebuild so bad because I live in New Jersey close to New York, and from where I live, I can see the New York skyline from my window. It's painful for me look where the world trade center was and still see that big gap in the skyline that I've seen ever since September 11.

I could only imagine what it's doing for the city of New York and anyone who visits New York.




  1. Maybe they should build a giant petrol bowser in memory.

    Just in case someone gets the wrong idea, that's not meant to be disrespectful to all those innocent people that were killed.

    But it should be a reminder to people of what was really behind all of this and that was oil.

    I strongly suggest you look at this video.

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