
Will the Yankees make the playoffs?

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I'm thinking they have no chance!!




  1. No way. Boston's gonna rock that house.

  2. i hope not

  3. They have a chance but I don't think so...the Rays look like the division champs and BoSox look to be taking the WC.

  4. They play six more games against the Rays and six more against the Sox. If they sweep either one( which they have done before, anyone remember the 5 games sweep of Boston a couple years ago?) they will over take the wild and quiet possibly the division. On top of that, they also play 3 games agains Kansas City, TWO series against Baltimore, and 3 games against Seattle. So it is not like they have the schedule against them. I wouldn't count them out until the season is over.

  5. no they don't have a chance.... the rays are for real and although i don't think they will hold onto the division lead, i think they will end up with the wild card (division going to Boston)... the reason why i don't think the yankees are going to make are because they are still playing Jose Molina from time-to-time and he can't hit worth a ****... also Chen Ming Wang is most likely out for the rest of the season so one of their aces is gone... and finally they have had to recall Ian Kennedy, and unfortunately he isn't ready for the bigs and his numbers have shown it... if they are going to make it, they're gonna need A-rod to step it up and play like he did last year, and also have Jeter man up and be the captain they expect him  to be

  6. the red sox will

  7. No chance? What you been smokin'?

    I said the Yankees would make the playoffs at the start of the season and I still think they'll make it. Six weeks is enough time to make up 3 or 6.5 games.

    Keep on hatin', though. Won't do you much good once the Yankees are preparing to play games in October.

    And whatever to the thumbs down. Fact is writing them off now is foolish.

  8. yes they will have faith.

  9. No, Rays got the division and the Wild Card is going to the BoSox.

  10. Si, senor.

  11. heck no Boston rocks the yanks r dumb and hav no pitching plus Derek Jeter is like 75

  12. No not even Wild Card!

  13. No way there out!!



    White Sox


    Will be in !!

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