
Will the adelaide crows win the AFL premiership in 2007?

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does any one care??????????




  1. Being an Adelaide Crows supporter, I might sound biased, but hey don't all Victorians commentators sound biased. With the team and experience The Crows have, they certainately can make the Grand Final and possibly win it. Adelaide should win 1 at least in the next 3 years.

  2. Possible I Care

  3. i think they will win one in the next 3 years. could be next year, but W Coast and Freo will be big hurdle

  4. no i dont think they will because they aren't exprianced enough i think the kangaroos will

  5. Maybe they could. Have the stock to. Will be challenged by Sydney West Coast and Freo again.

    I don't really care though, I barrack for the Bombers. They are not good at moment. See what happens. Be good to have footy back.

  6. It depends they are definately going to be in the top 4 and if they manage to beat west coast, freo and sydney then there is no comp it is going to be one of the 4 next year

  7. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

  8. i don't think so. I think geelong will.

  9. Sorry no!!

    They may however be runners-up to the Mighty Hawks

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