
Will the atom collider create a black hole?

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Will the atom collider create a black hole?




  1. The hypothesis is that when two protons collide in a non-elastic collision, two things could happen:

    1. The protons would destroy each other and desintegrate into quarks and gluons. The product gluons would then decay into top quarks and anti-top quarks and when the product quarks recombine, a Higg boson will be created.

    2. The protons will fuse resulting in a virtual mass which will have a density greater than that of a neutron star and the gravity of this virtual mass will be so great that it will collapse into a mini-black hole.

    The idea looks okay at first glance but a closer analyisis would show that the 2nd case is not possible since protons are fermions, hence they would behave in accordance with the Fermi-Dirac Statistics and follow Pauli's Exclusion Principle. NO TWO MASSES CAN OCCUPY THE SAME SPACE AT THE SAME TIME. The two protons therefore can not fuse to form a  virtual mass. Hence no black hole can be produced by a proton-proton collision. The LHC will not produce any.  

  2. Unless the atom collider creates the amount of mass to creat a black hole which would be impossible so I 100% doubt it. What the atom collider is going to do is not even got as much energy as an atomic bomb so how can it make a black hole it may possibly make only little ones which we can control or that would fade away

  3. Quite possibly. I hesitate to say 'probably', but the chances are fairly high. Scientists would actually be very excited to create black holes, because it would allow them to take some measurements and discover more about how the Universe works on very small scales and possibly come up with a Unified Field Theory.

  4. Nothing that lasts more than a very small fraction of a second.  The life of black holes is proportional to the cube of their mass.  Since any b h  hole that this gizmo might produce will have a tiny mass, the b h will evaporate before it can get very far, like the distance across a couple of atoms.

  5. A black hole is a tremendous amount of mass which becomes

    highly compressed by its own gravity. The atoms in the collider will

    not have enough gravity to form a black hole.

  6. maybe

  7. There are lots of physicists hoping so! Even though any black holes produced in the LHC will be too tiny to even measure and last mere nanoseconds, science could learn a lot from them.

  8. No the creation of a black hole requires a star collapsing on it self, it must have a minimum mass of 2 times our sun. One or two atoms slamming together will not have the required mass.

  9. Yes,

    well thats what i heard.  

  10. probably  

  11. It would never be powerful enough to do so.

  12. It might create a quantum black hole.  In fact, a lot of scientists are hoping it will.  However, this black hole will evaporate long before it can absorb anything, so it isn't a threat

  13. I dont know. But i would like to say ever since reading that in a little blurb in popular science or pop. mechanics (dunno whaw its called) I have had that question. I have been spooked that some ******** in that lab will attempt to create some sort off "controlled" black hole expirement. But guess whaw? If it does happen we'll never know ;)

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