
Will the bank refund me?

by  |  earlier

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I recently over drafted my account due to the large amount of debits made and a few checks written, all were which of the weekend of the 4th so everything processed a few days later than usual...and I was charged a $35 overdraft fee 6 times...which is over $200 in overdraft fees. I've never had this happen to me and I've only over drafted a few times in the past...none of which have been recent.

I know this is totally my fault for not keeping track of everything but is there somehow the bank can refund some of this money that was taken out? I understand they may not be able to take off the entire fee but what can I do to get some of my money back?




  1. The only thing you can try and do is call your bank, explain you didn't understand how the credits would read late. If you've been a long standing customer, with no record of bouncing checks, they will sometimes waive the charges. It is all going to depend on your bank. I would beg and plead-that is too much money in charges. Also, before you give up, ask for a supervisor. They tend to be more lenient. Best of luck!

  2. I would call the bank. Unless you are a higher tier member they probably will not waive all of them, but most likely a phone call will get them to waive one or two of them.

  3. All you can do is ask. . . . If some of the charges were for small amounts, they may rebate those. They don't want to charge you $35 for a purchase of $2.67 or something. . .Otherwise, you may need to write a letter requesting a small rebate of the fees OR agree to sign up for an overdraft so it does not happen again in the future. That's what we do, and then we rebate ALL fees in question.

  4. My bank would.  it does not hurt to ask if they would work something out.  It has happened to me over a holiday.  They are not  suppose to charge you more than regular buisness days.  They should take back the fourth and  Sunday unless your bank closed a day like on Friday and Saturday this year to give them a longer weekend.  One  place here in town closed like that and their ATM would not even work.

    _doesnt hurt to ask and I bet they will give you a partial refund.  Sometimes computers dont fix these things and the customer has to tell them.

  5. Yes call them up or go to the branch in which you opened the account and they will usually wave one or two.

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