
Will the blu-ray be 100% copy-proof?

by  |  earlier

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No, I am not trying to break the law--I just wonder if this is the reason why HD-DVD is dead now.

P.S. I hate Sony Corporation.




  1. It's part of the reason Fox (and other studios) preferred Blu-Ray (That and region coding).  And all the more reason why it's unfortunate consumers supported Blu-ray over HD DVD.

    While BD+ can be amended to keep up with any cracks to the encryption it would be unlikely BDA would do this since it would really p**s off legitimate users who would be caught in the crossfire and unable to play disks pending firmware updates, etc.

    Any DVD HD can remove region coding and remove AACS ... and there are reports of being able to removing BD+ (See first link). Whether true or not, it will happen, and as with all DRM -- which is ultimately pointless -- it will ultimately hurt Blu-ray more than it helps. It ignores consumer rights to fair use and simply increases consumer resistance since no matter how legitimate studios concerns are people don't like being treated as criminals.

    The DRM wars re. audio should have tought studios a lesson, but it hasn't. They will eventually learn, but we consumers will be paying the price until then.

  2. Nothing will ever be 100% copy proof, but Blu-Ray is as close as anyone has gotten to copy proofing any digitial media. That is one of the reasons why it beat HD-DVD, Fox was a big supporter of Blu-Ray simply because of its copy protection.

  3. There are a few blu-ray discs that have supposedly been cracked.  It is said that no system is unhackable, even blu-ray will be hacked with time.  But I believe they can update aspects of the security with each title,(the keys, and can also patch h/w with code on new movie discs, etc.).  So it will be a constant battle.

    It uses AACS, and BD+ digital rights management protection.  For more information on these check my source.

  4. I don't think so, there is always some way to break and anti-copy restriction. Want to know the funny part, it isn't illegal to copy media in the first place! You could make 50 copies of one movie and nobody can say anything. The illegal part is the distribution of unauthorized copies. Even that is legal to an extent. It only become illegal when more than one copy is used at any given time.

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