
Will the champions trophy tournament be switched from Pakistan to South Africa?

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hi jake the icc has put south africa on stand by for the tournament however thier 1st choice still remains pakistan




  1. Yes Cossy i was just reading that article in Yahoo Sports..The have named Sri Lanka the alternative venue but at the moment the have problems over there too...The Tamil Tiger rebels are on the war path..Yes i think it should be played in South Africa(As long as Zimbabwe's problems and Mugabe problems don't interfere)....

    Gee maybe the Aussie's wont be the only one's to be called Woos's or scaredy cats for not wanting to play there,Cossy it seems other teams and players also have their qualms about playing in Pakistan...

    No switch it for everyone's sake...

    EDIT::To Kasif Khan below me,this is a decision by the ICC not Australia,we ARE NOT the only ones who have safety fears over this..Players from South Africa have also voiced their oppinions...So please dont asume we are the only ones..

  2. South Africa will be the thrid site of the Champion Trophy. If Pakistan is not safe then Cham Trophy will be shifted to SL. If its not safe there because of the heavy fighting between Tamil Tigers and the Government then it will be moved to South Africa

  3. If australia dont want to come to pak. replace austrlia with bangladesh

  4. no

  5. Has there been talk of this? If so I hope it is, then that will convince CA that it's safe to go & we will get to play in it after all

  6. well i don't think so Pakistan are supposed to host the champions trophy and i think they have a right to host the champions recent past there has  been huge media hype over what is happening in Pakistan

    karachi bomb blast and the assisnation former pm benazir has hardly anything to do with we seen pakistan are currently hosting the asia cup. in which six international teams are participating and it is running smoothly .so i definetly believe that pakistan should host the champions trophy.

  7. Champions trophy will be conducted in SL and if not SL than the 3rd Venue will be SA.

    SA will be the ideal.

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