
Will the collection agency re-send the letter if I ask?

by  |  earlier

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A collection agency sent me a letter on July 18 stating I owe $15000 for the deficiency balance for a car repo. I claimed bankruptcy a while back and the car was discharged in the bankruptcy. The collection agency was not allowed to contact me. Now I'd like to hire a lawyer to fight them on it. My attorney says we would win. Only thing is, my 3 year old destroyed the letter (don't ask!) that they sent me. What are the chances they would resend the letter to me (they know now that I claimed bankruptcy and they shouldn't have ever sent the original letter to me). I need this letter as proof of their wrong-doing. Can they destroy the evidence on their end, or are they required to resend the letter to me if I call and ask them to? I called them once and they emailed me the original letter - only it had today's date on it and wasn't the actual, original letter dated July 18. It was computer generated with my name/address on it. Do they have to honor my request? Can they "hide" the evidence on their end?




  1. You can use the letter they sent you to file the suit and then your attorney can get a copy of the original letter through a court order for discovery, if your attorney does not wish to file then you will probably not prevail, normally the collection letters are computer generated and sent out on a monthly basis.~

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