
Will the conflict in Georgia result in relations problems between the US and Russia?

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I've tried to follow this a bit, but am not confident in my understanding of the situation.




  1. I honestly don't think the Russians give a d**n about our opinion anymore. I don't trust Putin as far as I can throw him.

  2. we are already having relation probs with Russia...and if Russia doesnt stop now..they will have problems with the rest of the NATO nations...they are talking about removing them from the ''G-8"..which will give Russia NO say so on what is going on in the rest of the world

  3. if McCain don't shut the h**l up in trying to be president and making thing worst with his rhetoric we could be in another cold war with the  russians  

  4. I sure hope so!

    The Georgians have been attacked, many killed, and the UN sits on its *** -- OOHHHH we cannot make the Russians mad -- The Russians need to get out of Georgia, pay up for the damages they caused, and leave the democracy alone.

    Putin is KGB and it is the KGB that is at the heart of this unprovoked invasion.

  5. No.

    Don't think so.

    When it's just internal conflicts.

    Among their own kind in own backyards.

    With faulty education and communication system

    Having the referee blowing the whistle.

    In showing a yellow card.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  6. Russia has been itching to regain it's status once held during the cold war and that includes it's former soviet states. They want to regain control of them. McCain was actually one of the only politicians to voice his concern over this well before it happened. Instead of telling him to shut up over facing reality and talking about real threats, people need to open their eyes.

    Russia is starting to test it's boundaries with what they can get away with. Learn from history and look at what n**i Germany did before world war 2 and you'll see many disturbing similarities with what Russia may be starting now. You have to fight the small battles and wars now to stop the big wars from occurring. But apparently many people dont pay attention to history or learn from past mistakes. Shame too.


    Russia granted them passports after Georgia broke away just to keep it's citizens from absorbing into Georgia. Most didn't hold the passports until after the USSR dissolved and Georgia gained it's independence from the Soviets. Try explaining the the whole truth next time and not just the bits that sound good to you. And thanks for showing the example I pointed out earlier of just ignoring the threats today so they can become bigger threats tomorrow. Unfortunately many in this country think like you however and we really are shooting ourselves in the foot. One day you'll see your error but not before it's too late.

  7. I think it's likely that the conflict between Georgia and Russia is the RESULT of problems between the US and Russia.  

    When America sent out the call for a "Coalition of the willing" to invade Iraq, Georgia answered the call.  Georgia, a country with their own oil pipeline from the Caspian.  What would Georgia have to gain by siding with the United States?  Certainly not energy.  Certainly not to bolster their reputation in the Caucasus.  And certainly not because of all the poor Iraqi people suffering under a brutal dictator.  

    What Georgia had to gain is having the shadow of the American military on the wall behind them when they deal with their old masters in Moscow.  Many have pointed out that Georgia would have to be stupid to pick a fight with Russia.  And they're right, Georgia could never defend themselves against a Russian attack.  

    But you've already seen our president and his cabinet rattle their sabres in the direction of Moscow.  I think this is exactly why Georgia felt it would be reasonable to reign in rebel provinces: because, in time, the Americans will come to their aid.  We've already done everything we can do for them short of putting boots on the ground; everything we can do and still look, to the international community, like a bystander.  We've supplied Georgian troops with training and arms, we've conducted joint exercises with them in the Caucasus, and we airlifted their troops from Iraq back to Georgia so they could fight the Russians.  

    And we're very interested in that oil pipeline they've got there that circumvents both Russia and the Middle East, by the way.  It would be in our best interests to keep that out of the hands of the Russians.  

  8. It already has and it creates a ripple effect in things that may seem distant from the conflict, but because of the questions raised in reliability of Russia-US relations.  A prime example is the NASA's space shuttle program maybe extended past 2010 retirement because of this.  The Orion Spacecraft won't be ready till 2014/15 which leaves close to 5 year gap where NASA will have to rely on Russian's for the ride back and forth to the International Space Station.  The money we pay them has been paid till 2011, but not extended yet and now may never be which means the US will need a way to get there during the five year period and that leaves only our Space Shuttle.  So extra funds need to be allocated to NASA because of the war between Russia and Georgia.  There are countless economic and political ties and plans that could unravel and the ultimate loser is Russia.  

  9. First of all go to AsiaTimes online which is a businessman site--they want to know the bottom line not political rhetoric.  Forget the American press.

    scroll down and read the articles from 8/11 and 8/12 which go into the

    history of the conflict.  And know that this is just another conflict in what is called THE GREAT GAME or the struggle for control of the resources

    oil and water in the mid East.  Putin, an ex KGB agent, has a line in the

    sand and it is NATO bases on his borders especially in coutries bordering Iraq and Iran which So Ossetia does.  By the way, many of the people there have dual Russian citizenship (carry Russian passports) so Putin was covered under International law when he intervened to stop the  attempted ethnic cleansing going on.   You think there would be more of a response to

    the brutality in the Sudan than this little skirmish in Georgia in which

    Putin put down his line in the sand with the US and their proxies (NATO and the Israelis).  

  10. McBush is already suckering people in with this elaborate story of the evil Russians attacking a "democratic" nation.

    The real facts are this nation is not democratic and is no better than the saudis. They are a USA puppet government. They sponsor terrorism and attacked two pro Russian territories (basically the territories wanted to be part of Russia).

    Russia responded and beat the p**s out of them. As far as I'm concerned Russia is in the right. Now they are pushing to outside the capital which I support to force a surrender from Georgia and to gain the two territories that want to be part of Russia. Now if Russia goes in and annexes the whole country that I do not support.  

  11. "Nations do not invade nations in the 21st century"

    We should worry about McCain as he may have started WWIII

    watch this

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