
Will the continued influx of Hispanic immigrants to the United States mean the end for the GOP?

by Guest61939  |  earlier

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Hispanics, like all immigrants, almost always support the Democratic Party. Will the continued flow of Hispanic immigrants to the United States due to excessive and unchecked immigration give the Democratic Party the edge and forever ruin the GOP's hopes of controlling the government?




  1. Hispanic immigrants are generally more conservative than the average voter. Florida's Hispanic population skews Republican; even their Hispanic governor is a Republican.

  2. I am Cuban , and I came legally to US. I voted for Bush.Besides, I will vote for McCain because I do not want a communist as president of this country. A great part of the Hispanic population is illegal or has no citizenship.It means that they cannot vote.

  3. What makes you think Hispanics are Democratic Voters? Republicans used to have a lock on the bloc. Hispanics are overwhelmingly Roman Catholic, so the Republican love of Authoritarianism, promises to overturn Roe v Wade and punish Homosexuals, (the ones who aren't Republicans and in the closet,) have always resonated in the Hispanic Community.

    That's starting to change with the Republicans being increasingly seen as anti-immigrant and the new restrictions on Puerto Ricans, who are in fact, US Citizens..  The GOP seems bound and determined to alienate this important part of their base.

    They've been doing a lot of that lately to a number of their base constituencies. Busheviks seem to have a genius for turning people off. Either they are incredibly arrogant, or they are preparing a military coup.

    And that COULD mean the end of the GOP.

  4. Bush was helped in his reelection bid by the Hispanic vote. Both parties are doing nothing to address illegal immigration. Most importantly, like most immigrant groups, they may support the Democratic party until they start to achieve success. Once they achieve more success on their own, they are more likely to become conservative.

  5. Two things wrong with what you said:

    1) That would be based on an assumption that most of those immigrants become U.S. citizens and then register to vote. Lots of them don't. Look at all of the districts which have hispanic majorities in them. Look at the extremely low voter turnout in them compared to other districts. Guess why that is?

    2) Not all hispanics do vote Democrat. Not as heavily and lop-sidedly as blacks do. And "hispanics" do not all come from Puerto Rico or Mexico. In Florida, the vast majority of "hispanics" were immigrants from Cuba, and those immigrants (and their descendants) are predominantly Republican.

  6. Is this an attempt at humer?  Is this supposed to be funny?  Did sweetheart GOP icon Ronald Reagon do anything about illegal aliens?  How about George Bush the 1st?  Did he do anything to prevent the flood of illigals across the borders with Mexico?  How about the Republican congress during the Clinton administration?  And.........drumroll please...... George W Bush and d**k Cheney for the past 7 years?  Hispanics have a mind of their own when it comes to voting and they vote Republican about half the time.

    My my how time flies.


  7. Hopefully

  8. it means the end of the USA as we know it. better learn spanish real fast

  9. Unlike the Blacks, most illegals will work. The ones that become citizens will want to keep what they work for, like anybody with a brain does, so “poof” another Republican.

  10. Newsflash!  Hispanics that legally entered the US and later became citizens have voted republican for over twenty years.

    Democrats have been seeking to turn that around for some time.

  11. The end of the GOP has nothing to do with influx of any immigrants.

    The end of the GOP has something to do with their incompetence, failures, and inability to separate from mass hysteria/racial prejudices that leads to many mistakes such as Gitmo and suppressing the rights of people according to what the Constitution that our Founding Fathers wrote that makes America great.

    Funny...When it's about their guns they remember this same Constitution they want trashed.

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