
Will the dispossessed of England forever be satisfied with the life they lead?

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The system, as it is has become even more unfair. Bread & circus were used by the Romans to keep the lower-classes 'happy'. Now, it's a case of Sky Sports, lottery, populist press, McJobs and fast food. As Labour has now been seen as what it is, will we ever see riots akin to the ones against the Poll Tax (and subsequently Mrs. Thatcher's departure) - or anything that will make all from Plymouth to Carlisle rise up and speak against the state?




  1. Who says they are satisfied, many are now resigned to the fact that they will never be a part of modern Britain.

    There lives are in most part a struggle from one dead end temporary job to another, with little or no chance of being able to own their own home and give their family a decent life.

    How many working class people now even bother to follow politics, never mind to vote.

    Apathy is now rife amongst a growing number of our youth today, NO party of any colour is even remotely interested in to what our future young adults need and want.

    And that is the sad and simple truth.

  2. Who was it who said.The poor will always be with us!

  3. People need to wake up first. As long as we keep looking for satisfaction in consumption, judging people on how they look and dress, or by their culture and religion and skin colour. Then we will all remain separate little units in competition with each other distracted by empty pop culture and drowning our intelligence with alcohol and drugs.

    There's no hope as long as we continue indulging in all that c**p.

    It's not the state's fault. We are the state. The state is the state we're in- if you get my drift.

  4. lower classes are better off than ever before under Labour, fewer children are in poverty, riots are unlikely as there is no hardcore of unionised working people in this country anymore, and wont be again as people vote B.N.P. instead these days...just cant see anyone going on to the streets to protest when the X factor is on.

  5. Any idiot can speak against the State.

    What's your better idea?

    Don't complain about something unless you have a workable, reasonable, fair alternative to provide.

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