
Will the dr be able to tell?

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I'm 24w2d. Will the dr be able to tell by where the heartbeat is, or by feeling my stomach, whether my baby is breech still?




  1. Yes your Dr will be able to tell the position of your baby by feeling your stomach.  

  2. The baby is still too small. Most doctors don't even try to feel for the presentation of baby until 28-29 weeks, and even then it can be difficult. I would not worry though, a breech baby would only be cause for concern closer to delivery. Your baby still moves around a lot and could be breech at one moment and vertex at another.

  3. Well they'll be able to tell, they say if the heartbeat is over the belly button then the baby is breach, but I don't think they'll be looking/worried about that yet, babies can turn for a while still.

  4. I heard my babies heartbeat earlier than that, I think at like 16 weeks. And they can tell what position they are in.

  5. Your baby still has plenty of time to turn. My baby just turned a week or so ago. I noticed it because his kicks are now up high. That and my stomach has gotten much larger on top.  

  6. The baby is still small enough to move around alot and change position anytime.  With that said....yes he/she will beable to find a heart beat and they can probably tell which position the baby is in but like I said that can change by the minute at this point.  If the baby is breech I wouldnt worry at this point.  My last one was breech up until just before he was was the strangest experience to have something that big turn around inside my belly!!  I was then induced 2 days later and had my sweet (big) baby boy!!

    Good luck!

  7. At 24 weeks the baby's head will most likely be next to your hip, and that's exactly where it should be at that point. You shouldn't worry about a breech baby until a couple of weeks before delivery. And yes, they can tell by feeling your stomach what position the baby is in.  

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