
Will the drink RockStar give you any energy down bursts?

by Guest11088  |  earlier

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Will the drink RockStar give you any energy down bursts?




  1. I'm assuming that you mean a lack of energy.  I don't know about RockStar specificly, but energy drinks in general usually give me lots of energy for a little while then I crash.  It's like it overloads your system and you have tons of energy for some time but afterthat you just kind of shutdown.

  2. Dude. I used to drink all of that stuff.

    IT'S ALL OVERRATED. It's extremely unhealthy, and it makes you kind of wired for about ten to twenty-five minutes. In a way, you get a false sense of energy just because you drank it. Then...after you're 'wired' or at least thinking you are, comes the really sucky part. All of a sudden, the burst of sugar and caffeine goes away, and you get UBER tired. Like, dead. And you pass out.

    Well, you don't neccisarily pass out but you can. I sat down in a leather chair after my little burst of energy wore off, and I was out cold in 30 seconds tops.

    Just don't drink them.

  3. Probably, I've drank alot of energy drinks but have stopped because they don't actually help that much. No matter what you'll always end up tired because energy drinks give you false senses of awakeness, plus you can get addicted. Most energy drinks are also not FDA approved and have some stuff that I haven't heard of in it.

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