
Will the earth be destroyed at armagedon?

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like in noahs days,it was was still here after the flood and rightous left alive and well.




  1. Hi, amy c:

    Most religions make the same mistake the priests did in Christ's day.  They expected a god-war against the wicked and a utopia with Israel leading the world.

    However, Israel was destroyed and their people scattered as slaves around the world.

    Likewise, popular theology avoids the prophecies of a time of trouble such as there never was, with the elements melting with fervent heat, the atmosphere dissolving, every island dissapearing and all mountains thrown to the ground.

    Read Isaiah 24 which describes the last-day on planet earth. It totters like a shack and all the inhabitants wail. "The earth falls and does not rise again."

    Our planet is reduced to the same state it was in before creation day, without form and void (See Jeremiah 4, where bodies are strung from one end of the earth to another.)

    But, "Behold, I make a new heavens and a new earth, and the former will never come to mind."

    When will that happen?  Not today, and the Bible code tells when the cosmic conflict is over, see

    Shalom, peace in Jesus, ben Yeshua

  2. No , it will be the end of this system not the earth .

    Did i see you ask a question a few days ago saying you are disfellowshiped ?

  3. the earth will be around for another 5 billion years when the sun finally dies. Nothing religious about it.

  4. No.

    Could you kindly confirm for the JWs on this site as to your standing in the congregation? Someone with the same name as you claimed having been disfellowshipped last week, thank you.

  5. No. Armageddon is a battle to take place in a field called Megiddo. Though it will be a big battle, it is just a local battle and will not destroy the earth. There have been 34 or 35 battles there already in history...I think the last one was in World War I. Anyway, it will be at this particular battle in the future when Christ returns and wipes the armies away. When the dust settles, the Bible says it will take the living five months to bury the dead, so we see that life will go on.

  6. Well, since the evidence on the topic of a world wide flood shows conclusively that no such event ever happened, then its logical to conclude that other claims made from the same source are equally fictional.  

  7. Considering that the meek are s'posed 2 inherit the earth, I'd imagine it'll still be here.... otherwise a paradise earth (like the Garden of Eden would've eventually become) would be a little difficult to achieve...

  8. the earth was made to stand to times indefinite.

    To never totter.

    it is in it's set place.

    it's the wicked that are torn away from the earth.

    Ray G;

    That's alot of dead people, man.

    And true.

    Off the top of my head I don't remember the 5 mos., part.

    { Not important, I'm not a nuclear scientist.}

    But, the clean up afterwards, that I have a recollection of.

  9. I dont think so because the bible says the meek shall inherent the earth.

  10. no.  that comes a thousand years later....

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