
Will the earth ever get too heavy?

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Will the earth ever get too heavy?




  1. the earth is heavy..... the problem is the global warming....

    too scarry to hear the news......around the world......

  2. lol! no- we are self contained, we dont gain gravity from anywhere but our own planet- even growing children grow because of the food they eat which is a combination of plants and animals all of which are created from the gorund, with water and food for energy, its a huge cycle.

    We could get too heavy if we imported another planet, in which case we would end up being part of them rather then just us, and we would end up following thier cycle around the/a sun rather then our own sun.

  3. No i shouldn't think so,

    anyway if it did, the mass of the planet increasing would cause the planet to start effecting other planets orbits,

    which might be a problem, but it won't get any heavier than it is right now.

    Hope this helped


  4. What a stupid question.

  5. The Earth is not gaining mass at a significant rate.  Only a few thousand tons of dust fall onto Earth from space each year.  That's an utterly trivial amount compared to the Earth's total mass.

  6. everything that humans make comes from the earth --- so no, it will not ever get too heavy

  7. Never will,,,weight is not a factor

  8. Too heavy for what?

    Earth has its own gravity holding it together. If it tripled in size for some reason it would still stay together. Look at Jupiter, which is much heavier than Earth.

  9. no we are a product of the earth, as we develop in the womb we are nourished by food, the sperm and eggs needed to make us are a product of chemicals taken in with food then processed

    when we die we return to our chemical composites and the cycle continues

    it is all to do with the conservation of energy principle

    energy can not be created or destroyed but transferred from one form to another

    the same priniciple can be applied to animals and plants

  10. not a particularly well worded question.

    however, maybe you intended to ask, if the earth gets heavier and heavier, what with dust falling on it all the time, will it ever get too heavy for the orbit it has around the sun.

    and the answer is no.

    consider, the space station orbits the earth.

    sometimes people go outside to work on stuff.

    while outside, they are much lighter than the space station.

    but they don't float away.

    their weight is not a factor in maintaining their orbit.

    however, the weight of the earth is a factor in the orbit of the moon, and the space station.

    the earth is not about to gain enough weight to make a noticeable difference.

    but if it did gain a lot of weight, then the moon would fall closer to the earth, as would the space station.

    they would just come closer, and adjust to new smaller orbits, not fall completely down.

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