
Will the eclipse destroy the beijing olympic 2008?

by  |  earlier

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eclipse has always been a curse and bad omen to the chinese since long donkey years and ages ago. do u think it really is a bad omen? such coincident it'll happen a week before beijing olympic 2008?




  1. Yes, I predict China will have an earthquake.

  2. I think the eclipse is a great car, but the Chinese do have reason to fear.  THE ECLIPSE ISN'T SOLD IN CHINA.

  3. This 2008 has plenty of calamaties that china are facing, shandong two trains hit each other, horrible sichuan earthquake, floods-in fact it already overflow the yellow river, typhoons and who knows what's next..... no one can ever tell the incoming disaster even if they are always doing  the fengshui. olympic is fast approaching, the whole world are watching china......

  4. yeah, and 10 super typhoons will strike China at the same time, the volcano will errupt, another M8.8 earthquake will hit Beijing, all terrorists will attack Olympics at the same time, flood will come, and China is facing civil war.....

    That's good, coz if the above occur, I don't need to work any more....

    I started hating this Olympics, our life might be easier without it.

    PS, Can I apply for Master degree education in North America?.....I'm a refugee soon to be, have some sympathy will ya?...and BTW, give me full scholarship ...thanks a million times^^

  5. hi,

    no , of course because they are really ready!

  6. im not sure..but it is also occuring on the Pagan holiday of Lughnasadh.

    and it will be visable in the U.S. at sunrise, which I heard will cause horrible financial problems for americans. we are dooooooooomed!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. yes lots of problems and trouble will occur

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