
Will the eggs hatch if they got cold?

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HI Friday night my cockatiels got the cage door open some how. I found the cage door open and both of the cockatiels out Saturday morening. but they had 4 eggs that they where brooding I picked up one of the eggs and it was cold. I got both of the parents and put them back in the cage and put clips on the doors of the cage.they have gone back to sitting on the eggs they are due to hatch July 2 and I checked the eggs and they are fertile.

I am so upset about this and feel that it is my fault

Thanks Denise




  1. that sucks. i hope they hatch.

  2. usually they will be okay but some times they will die if they get cold its kinda 50 50 and if it looks like its developing inside the shell its fine

  3. idk

  4. i don't think so,but they should be warming up and will probably be warm now so they should be fine....

  5. They probably will not, but keep trying. It's not your fault, accidents happen.

  6. Well, consider "cold" to a human touch isn't neccessarily "fatally cold" to eggs.

    I would like to think that you just happened to see your birds out, and if it's anything like with my chickens, a broody female WILL leave her nest up to 30 minutes in a day.

    In any event, if the babies don't hatch, it's not your fault, but give it up to a week after the due date to make sure that you didn't underestimate the due date.

  7. at my school we did this project and there was a power outage so the heat lamps went out and only one chick hatched but died tht same day

  8. It's difficult to say. They may not hatch, but it wouldn't be your fault. Your cockatiels are just crappy parents. I would put sole responsibility on them. It isn't uncommon for birds kept in captivity being unable to properly reproduce.

  9. how cold, how long, these are variables to the hatching of the eggs, you might have a 50% chance.. what's room temp?, they shouldn't have gotten below 70 degrees.

  10. i dont think so

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