
Will the former creators of MusicMatch revive a jukebox with the desired features that Yahoo stripped out?

by  |  earlier

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The migration from MusicMatch jukebox to Yahoo Music has been truly disappointing! I'd gladly continue to incure premium increases for a music manager on my PC if it were MusicMatch and it's innovation for product features. Yahoo Music is awkward interface without volume leveling and many other well designed features.




  1. ohh that would be nice if they did ........ but i am sure there would b something in their sales deal to prevent them from doing that .....

    MMJB was the best media player, and people are realising the move is a downgrade from what the MMJB  purists users are use to

    Yahoo say you will maintain your customer status. Support link for yahoo >

    be aware Many MusicMatch purists are disappointed that Yahoo has stripped the latest Jukebox of some of its best features like file renaming and consider the migration anything but an upgrade, the migration IS a downgrade.

    Once yahoo gets ahold of something, it is stripped back to the bare basics for the free users. Even paying customers of yahoo products, have major problems with customer care. SO THINK ABOUT IT B4 U MIGRATE.

    In yahoo's FAQ's about MMJB they neglect to tell you it is a downgrade. >

    i have forced myself to get familiar with an alternative choice, and i am very happy with my choice, it does all the same things MMJB did, the format is very different, but once use to it, i am pleased with my choice.

    Yahoo does not look after its users, unless you pay $$, even then the migration is still a downgrade. hence i will NOT trust it with something as precious as my music.

    itunes for me it does everything musicmatch did, just gotta get used to the format / converts music easily etc ... Alternative media players have a peep and make your choice >

    scroll to the bottom of the page for  alternative players

    scroll to the bottom of the page for  alternative players

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