
Will the fragmentation of the American voter lead us down the road to Venezuala?

by Guest62198  |  earlier

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  1. No, we have the 2nd Amendment to insure it doesn't.

  2. Only if the Democrats succeed in getting a Republican to split the vote on a third party. Then we will suffer under Hillary the Socialist. Undoubtedly she will consult with her friend, Hugo Chavez.

  3. It's clear that the average American voters are fed up with the polarization in Washington.  Candidates who can rise above party politics will receive increasing support, and the problem will self-correct, as it always has in the US.

  4. Wrong piece of geography. Think of the Balkans instead. Somewhere out there is an American "Tito" who will get a lot of votes someday.

  5. no, each country evolves depending on its own history and culture. Has less to do with voting than many other things. How about up the road to Venezuela?

  6. Venezuala fragments, if you will, fall into pro constitutional change (to give prez power to suspend rights) and anti change.

    We have the same. We go with one of "business as usual" democrats or republicans or "something completely different," like Ron Paul or something better.

    Otherwise we will, indeed, fragment and revolt. If or when the economy fails, the revolt will begin. It can become painful change and recovery period ahead. But the vast majority of Americans are only becoming more angry with mismangement and horrendous stewardship by The Party (reps+dems). The present the usual false choices. They just want to continue with business as usual protecting the ruling class.

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